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Infectious epidemic

Like polio which devastated the lives of so many in past years, these afflictions can be avoided if only adults would take responsibility for their actions. One highly infectious malady which seems to be immune...

Advocating for Israel at the US Congress and any other legislative body

Someone sent the following query: ”Please direct us to a template for writing a letter to Congress to educate congressmen on why it is imperative that the US condition funds to UNRWA Many of us...

Ilhan Omar’s Hateful Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism

Watching the recent fallout from Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest anti-Semitic tweet, in which she claims that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee buys congressmen's support of Israel, several thoughts struck me. The first was...

Anti-Israel content exposed in UN agency’s school textbooks, as lawmakers decry ‘systematic hatred’

Watch the latest video at A newly declassified report is shedding light on anti-Israel material found in U.S.-funded textbooks used by the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in Palestinian schools -- while faulting...

GAO: State Dept Lied to Cover for UNRWA

Watch the video before reading One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority/UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the...

Focal issue of GAO report on PA/UNRWA textbooks: The US State Department misled the...

State reported to Congress that it had developed alternative materials to the anti-semitic and pro-incitement PA school curriculum used by UNRWA. In the GAO report, State cannot explain why these existing alternative materials were never...

Has the Trump administration softened up Israel for the kill?

The US Congress did the right thing, and commissioned its own independent GAO investigation of the school books used by the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA to educate the new generation. Full disclosure: Our news...

The Blessing for Israel of a Democratic House

Nov. 8, 2018   David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research A Democratic controlled House of Representatives can now play a crucial role in preventing the continuity of a Palestinian Arab regime which is devoid...

The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum Transparency Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congress has introduced a bipartisan bill to annually review whether educational resources used in Palestinian schools continue to encourage “violence or intolerance toward other nations or ethnic groups.” Background: The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum...

The Status of Jerusalem in International and Israeli Law

Executive Summary Most member states of the United Nations still refuse to recognize Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel, even though more than 50 years have passed since the city’s unification in 1967. The United...