palestinian education - search results

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UNRWA’s textbooks

Marcus Sheff’s “Time for UNRWA to face the truth about its textbooks” (Comment & Features, February 18) is correct in its findings that UNRWA books, supplied by the Palestinian Authority, indoctrinate the next generation...

Unacceptable that tax money encourages terrorism ​

It is completely unacceptable that we indirectly encourage terrorism through our taxpayers. At least one can request from our red-green government is that aid to Palestinian organizations is conditioned in the same way as...

PBS Run Amok: Promoting UNRWA ​as ​an agency with no indiscretions

This ​is ​the John Yang PBS Interview with Scott Anderson, UNRWA Director of Operations, ​ on ​Feb. 19, 2018 ​​ ================== ​ ​We have offered to meet P​BS presenter John Yang ​& provide a reply to at least...

Rosenberg published Holocaust Haggadah

Now that Hanukkah 2017/5778 is behind us, it’s only 100 days until Passover. Earlier this year Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg published “Rosenberg English Holocaust Haggadah For Passover: Holocaust Poems and Essays to Supplement the...

Here are the top 10 biggest donors to UNRWA in 2017: Source: Britannica

United States ($364 million) Source: Britannica During the 2018 World Economic Forum, Trump threatened to cut Palestinian aid due to President Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to meet with Vice President Mike Pence. Trump said Palestinians must be willing to cooperate "or we're...

No vetting of Textbooks Exists in Jerusalem Arab schools, Located in Sovereign Israel

I was present in the Knesset Education Committee on jan 30, 2017 when that Knesset committee sent an urgent directive to the Jerusalem Municipality to vet the school books fro Arab Schools in Jerusalem. However,...

UNRWA Fails its Students but Still Wants More U.S. Money

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has hired a public relations firm,, to bolster its image after the Trump administration cut back sharply the amount...

Editorial: UNRWA reform, and a new beginning

For some, the thought of President Trump’s decision to withhold $65 million in pledged aid to a United Nations agency that provides food, housing, and education to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza...

Australian Handout An Aid To extremism

ON 29 May 2012, then-minister for foreign affairs Bob Carr signed an agreement with then-UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) head Filippo Grandi, to provide $90 million for Palestinian refugees for...

Ask Germany it will continue to fund  UNRWA war curriculum

On January 31, 2018, ​an associate of the Center fo​r Near East Policy Research chanded the war curriculum used in UNRWA schools to Chancellor Anglela Merkel​, after asking colleagues in the Bundestag to translate...