palestinian education - search results

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The UNRWA uprising. Stage one

"​To understand what is behind the current ​marches and riots in Gaza, “for the Right of Return by force of arms,” look no further than UNRWA operations in Gaza," says David Bedein, Director of the Israel Resource News...

Is Australia funding terrorism?

In the very last issue of The Spectator Australia David Adler wrote what could well turn out to be a seminal article raising the deeply troubling possibility that the Australian government has been (inadvertently) financially supporting...

Let My People Know. A message for the Pesach Seder

Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research US is primary funder of UNRWA education. Israel supports UNRWA schools. Give feedback to the US and Israel. From new UNRWA textbooks introduced in 2018*: A...


Canada’s recent pledge to give $10 million in emergency humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza has met with skepticism from Jewish groups. B’nai Brith Canada and the Centre for Israel...

Preparations for the “Great Return March” – Update

Overview Preparations continue in the Gaza Strip for a mass march to Israel’s border (the “great return march”). To that end the Palestinian organizations operating in the Gaza Strip have organized a “national committee” which...

B’nai Brith Canada Questions UNRWA Spending

The Canadian government announced Thursday that it will transfer an extra $10-million to Palestinian refugees via the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). While acknowledging the important humanitarian nature of Canada’s contribution, B’nai Brith Canada...

From Peters’ Time Immemorial, Summary of Chapter 3: The Arab Jew

Introduction “The Arab Jew” is the longest chapter of Joan Peters' book.  The chapter profiles many of these vulnerable communities, the other, true but ignored, refugees of the Middle and North Africa.  It tells of...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 4: Ideology of the East, Rhetoric of the...

Introduction: Edmund Burke said “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it”.  It would be comforting to think that World War II, the Holocaust, was somehow unique.  So it's disturbing to read that...

Alternative Oscar nominees

The annual Hollywood frenzy has concluded with winners clutching their awards and mouthing the usual inanities…writes Michael Kuttner. For the first time TV ratings showed less viewers tuned in to watch this orgy of political...

​Indiscretions in the newest UNRWA textbooks​

Having read the UNRWA official response ​to ​their critics, UNRWA declares that they found some 3% of the total pages inconsistent with UN values of neutrality, gender equity and age-appropriateness, but they do not...