PSF - search results

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What the public at large has a right to know before the Nov. 1...

What is Not Generally Known to the Public in IsraeL, one month before elections: The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by the IDF, now carry out daily attacks against Jews through its PSF elite unit...

Israel and the US face elections on November 1 and November 8 respectively. Both...

1.The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by  IDF under the direction of the US to fight Arab terrorists, now carry out daily attacks by PSF elite unit known as Al Aqsa Brigades. Yet US...

What the public at large has a right to know before the Nov. 1...

What is Not Generally Known to the Public in IsraeL, one month before elections: The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by the IDF, now carry out daily attacks against Jews through its PSF elite unit...

Terrorists trained by Israel unleashed against Israel

This week, the PSF unleashed terrorists trained by Israel, against Israel.   Our study of the PSF, commissioned in 2009  by the Middle East Forum, warned of this  scenario.   For 13 years, COGAT has refused to discuss the...

Alerta Pikuach Nefesh: Un enfoque estratégico

El objetivo: Organizar a los ciudadanos de conciencia de todo el mundo para desafiar las políticas que representan una amenaza para la vida de los judíos en Israel. Opinión. El Rebe de Lubavich comentó cierta...

Pikuach Nefesh Alert: A strategic approach

The Lubavitche Rebbe once commented that concessions to the Palestinian Authority, which works under the aegis of the Palestine Liberation Organization, represent a matter of Pikuach Nefesh- a threat to human life. The time has...

“Pikuach Nefesh Alert”: A Strategic Approach

The Lubavitche Rebbe once commented that concessions to the Palestinian Authority, which works under the aegis of the Palestine Liberation Organization, represent a matter of Pikuach Nefesh- a threat to human life. The time has...

Why did the US government cut funding for the Palestinian Security Services?

When the US State Department released the budget request for 2021 missing from the requests was funding for the Palestinian Security Services. Why? Go no farther than the investigations conducted by the Center for Near...


FOR PUBLICATION Some people criticize Knesset candidate Caroline Glick for saying that the Oslo accord was a crime. Isn’t it? The Oslo process gave us 25 years to witness the PLO and its Palestinian Authority in operation,...

Israeler besökte riksdagen: “UNRWA lär barn att hata”

Seminariet i riksdagen leddes av Likud-partiets Sharren Haskel, en av de yngsta ledamöterna i det israeliska parlamentet, knesset. Hon hade inbjudits av Magnus Oscarsson (KD), medlem i riksdagens Svensk-Israeliska vänskapsförening. Som ordförande för knessets Lobby-grupp för reform...