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Información del Centro Nahum Bedein para la Investigación de Políticas del Cercano Oriente
El Centro Nahum Bedein para la Investigación de Políticas del Cercano Oriente descubre hechos que no están presentados en la cobertura de las noticias principales sobre el Estado de Israel, prestando atención especial a...
Towards Pending Abbas visit in DC – TIME TO ENFORCE US PLO POLICY...
With President Donald Trump set to greet Machmud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, at the White House on May 3rd, the time has come to examine how the US allowed the PLO to...
Incentivizing Terrorism: Palestinian Authority Allocations to Terrorists and their Families
The Palestinian Authority’s legislation and allocations of monthly salaries and benefits rewarding imprisoned and released terrorists, and the families of “Martyrs,” amount to $300 million annually. This financial reward clearly demonstrates the PA’s institutional...
Have Some of the Palestinian Security Forces Gone Rogue?
Before reading the following piece by Pinchas Inbari, please peruse our background research papers which warned of the lethal nature of the PSF, the Palestinian Security Force:
On October 31, 2016, another attack was carried...
DETTA YOM KIPPUR : ETT GEMENSAM hot mot livet på alla fronter I Israel!
Den vikigaste stunden under högtiden Yom Kippur är när människor i synagogan sjunger Unetanneh Tokefs bön "Hur många kommer att lämna jordelivet och hur många kommer att födas; hur många kommer att leva och...
Follow Up Report Needed: The Palestinian Security Forces
At a time when officials in the Israel defense establishment have advised the Israeli government to hand over more authority to the PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces, the time has come to examine if there are inherent...
I de nya palestinska (PA) Skolverket undervisas det om Israel och Judar i PA...
Produceras för en rättvis och laglig gemensam strävan, Israeliska Legal Forum och Centrum för Nära Östen Policy forskning.
En företrädare för det amerikanska utrikesdepartementet besökte vårt center i juli 2015 och försäkrade vår personal att...
Content of new book; Inside the PLO, the Palestinian Authority, & UNRWA
What follows are published articles by David Bedein In Makor Rishon, the Winnipeg Jewish Review, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Bulletin, the Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Exponent, the Jewish Week and Israel Resource Review, with...
“For Internal Use Only”?
Our agency asked a senior official of the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs for information from open sources as to how the PA media and PA officials responded to last week’s murders. His response: information...
U.S. subsidizes terror against Israelis
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama Administration has made it clear that it will not pursue Israeli-Palestinian “peace talks” while the Iran deal remains fluid. But as the President heads into his last year in...