UNRWA US july - search results

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UNRWA terror involvement – Now under new scrutiny in the US Congress and the Israeli...

Once again this summer, Hamas  operates military preparation summer camps for 250,000 teenagers who attend UNRWA schools during the school year. Working with an Israeli-Palestinian team of journalists over the past few years, I run...

US government agency to investigate UNRWA terror ties

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) announced that it would begin its official investigation by the into the ties between UNRWA and terrorist organizations and incitement in official Palestinian Authority textbooks after President-elect Donald...

MPs to be briefed on UNRWA’s ties to Hamas, Islamic Jihad

The renewed Canadian support for UNRWA may end up in the wrong hands, warns the Center for Near East Policy Research, headed by David Bedein. Marie-Claude Bibeau, Canada’s Minister of International Development and La Francophonie,...


The US State Department funds, to the tune of half a billion dollars a year, a Palestinian Authority/ UNRWA educational curriculum based upon the ideology of the RIGHT OF RETURN which indoctrinates half a...

Open letter from Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News was present at...

September 19, 2016 Dear Senator Risch, As your proud constituent from the state of Idaho, I want to express my great appreciation that you took time in your schedule to meet with me and David Bedein on...

Israel Knesset Member Yehuda Glick of the Likud Party joins InterMountain Christian News correspondent...

https://youtu.be/GN64Wo_GLCc Israel Knesset Member Yehuda Glick of the Likud Party at the Knesset building in Jerusalem Israel July 20, 2016 joins Dr. Anthony Harper of IMCNews with to talk about the UNRWA schools in Gaza,...

US Senate Near East Subcom Chair Discloses Unprecedented Demand of GAO for UNRWA terror...

Senator James Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the US Senate Near East Subcommittee of the US Foreign Relations Committee, disclosed on Tuesday, Sept. 13 in a meeting with Center for Near East Policy Research Director...

The challenge for Canada in Middle East negotiations: Convening ”The Refugee Working Group” to...

The Arab Refugee issue remains one of the most crucial issues to be resolved in order for any peace process to be successful The RWG was created as a practical way to handle...

Transcript – July 19 UNRWA policy briefing at Knesset, for journalists & diplomats

Introductory Remarks by David Bedein, Director of Center for Near East Policy Research: We begin the briefing with “Mohammed Assaf War Song for UNRWA”- short video depicting the singer Mohammed Assaf who is UNRWA’s official...


July 18th, 2016 Ms. Katharina Von Schurbein EU Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism Directorate-General For Justice and Consumers European Commission | Office M059 05/059 | B-1049 Brussels Rue Montoyer/Montoyerstraat 59, B-1000 Bruxelles/Brussel + 32-2-298.14.08 | M. +32-498-98140 Twitter @kschnurbein Dear Ms. Katharina Von...