Tag: Cities

UAE: Will the precarious relationship with UNRWA stand in the way of peace?

For more than seventy years, Arab regimes have communicated a sole message towards Israel: belligerency; teaching the next generation to engage in a war on the Jews. Israel’s earlier peace agreements with Egypt (1979), the...

Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps Palestinian children stay alive…and their Israeli...

Right of Reply to  “Attacking UNRWA’ s Education System Risks the Lives of Students, JPOST Oct. 24th by Gwyn Lewis, UNRWA Director of Operations in the West Bank Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps...

Webinar: Ensuring Fair Treatment of Israel in International Tribunals with HE Daniel Taub

UKLFI Charitable Trust invites you to a webinar discussion with HE Daniel Taub, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom "Ensuring Fair Treatment of Israel in International Tribunals” On Monday 19 October 2020 From 5pm to 6pm UK...

The story of Germany’s capitulation to Palestinian terrorism

On Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1970, an El Al flight took off from Israel, headed for London. The plane was carrying 52 passengers and 11 crew members. Passengers included actress Hannah Meron and actor Assi...

Blood libel from a contributor to Australian Arabic language site

Dr. Moustafa El-Lidawi, a commentator based in Lebanon who regularly appears on an Australian Arabic language online portal, has been recently filmed indulging in “Blood Libel” –  accusing Jews of baking the blood of non-Jews into...

Abraham Accords Peace Agreement: Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization Between the...

VIEW THE SIGNED DOCUMENT HERE. The Government of the United Arab Emirates and the Government of the State of Israel (hereinafter, the “Parties”) Aspiring to realize the vision of a Middle East region that is stable, peaceful and...

Pinhas Inbari – NGOs in Gaza and the West Bank Incite with European Support

PINHAS INBARI – NGOS IN GAZA AND THE WEST BANK INCITE WITH EUROPEAN SUPPORT JERUSALEM CENTER FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS In Gaza, the NGO network is closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the...

Even without diplomatic ties, here’s how 200 Israeli companies are already doing business in...

Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) still have no official diplomatic ties, but, unofficially, an extensive financial relationship between the two is an open secret. According to the Manufacturers Association of Israel, about...

Hizbullah Bears the Responsibility for the Beirut Disaster

Hizbullah controls the security of the port of Beirut and uses the port for storing weapons and its smuggling operations. The assessment in Lebanon is that the investigation of the explosion will be a whitewash....

Lebanon-What happened?

Part 1: Lebanon-What happened? Part I of this series will review the facts of what we know has happened and an analysis of the horrific catastrophe in Beirut on August 4 itself. Part II will...