Tag: Middle East

EXCLUSIVE: Jews Against Themselves, by Edward Alexander (EXCERPT)

Jews Against Themselves is about the new forms taken by Jewish apostasy in an age when Jewish existence is threatened more starkly and immediately than at any time since the Hitler era. I have not attempted...

Radicalised by climate change?

What motivation lies behind the current wave of terror attacks? Is terror in Europe different to that occurring in Israel? Are European, American, Nigerian and British casualties different to Israelis? These questions are foremost in my mind...

What do Syrians learn in their schools?

"During World War II Nazism persecuted millions of human beings in Europe and elsewhere and part of this persecution affected the Jews for the following reasons: Because of the non-mingling with the nations...

Temper compassion toward Muslim “refugees” with reality

Sensitive to the despicable behavior by much of the world which denied haven to European Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, I react instinctively with compassion when I hear about the plight of...

Palestinians: The Real Goal of the Intifada

Abbas seems intentionally to ignore that he and his Palestinian Authority are responsible for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel. A recent poll found that 48% of Palestinians interviewed believe...

Not born yesterday

"The supervision over UNRWA schools, where 42% of Arab children in Jerusalem are educated, is loose, at best. Center for Near East Policy Research Director David Bedein has taken UNRWA schools on as a...

The Lies of Saeb Erekat: How Palestinian Propaganda Warps the Truth and Undermines Peace...

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An incendiary propaganda document replete with blatant lies and utter distortions of history penned by Saeb Erekat, recently sent to foreign media, exposes the futility of the Palestinian mindset, and reveals just...

Loyal to their people and to their state

Op-ed: Outlawing the Islamic Movement is an opportunity, as it requires a clear policy towards the loyal majority of Israeli Arabs who oppose terror. These words are dedicated to G. from the village of 'Ara,...

The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference

The conference was held this week and attended by the diplomatic corps as well as foreign and local media. J-Wire’s Michael Kuttner was there and has filed this report:An interesting line up of speakers guaranteed...

The Slaughter in Paris: Motives and Implications

In executing and taking responsibility for the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, the Islamic State has three objectives: revenge against France for its military involvement in the international coalition to eliminate the...