Monthly Archives: July 2007

Reach Out And Touch Someone

Israel Tracks Down Terrorists By Calling Their Cell Phones

U.S. To Give Aid, Weapons To Saudis

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert confirmed yesterday that the Bush administration intends to provide Saudi Arabia with advanced weaponry, equal to about $20 billion, over the next ten years. However, even if Olmert and his lobbyists in Washington do not necessarily oppose the Saudi aid, U.S. congressional leaders say that they will try to block the deal.

BBC allows anti-Semitism

The BBC has said that anti-Semitic postings and links to Jewish hate sites on its message boards do not breach its own guidelines and even though they may cause offence, harm and distress, they...

Bush’s Mistaken View Of Abbas As A Peace Advocate

Five years and three weeks ago, Bush delivered his first two-state speech, envisioning "two states living side by side in peace." A year and a half before his term ends, the American president...

Revealing What Has Been Covered Up: The Names of Those Murdered by the Fatah

At a time when the Fatah organization is being presented to the Israeli public and to world opinion as a non-terrorist alternative to the Hamas, the Bar Am Public Relations Agency in Jerusalem has...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: July 27, 2007 "Courage" Their names were Avshalom Haviv, Meir Nakar and Yaakov Weiss, and their memories stand as a blessing. In yesterday's Post, Yehuda Avner told their story: It was 1947. As the days of...

Hamas: We’ll Take Over West Bank, Too

A senior Israeli intelligence source told the media on Thursday that Hamas has threatened to expand its rule to Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank.

Dozens Injured In Clash Between Hamas And Fatah In Nablus

The university administration canceled classes yesterday and asked the students to leave the university compound for fear of further clashes. The administration blamed the Islamic faction of Hamas for the clashes, because it broke the university laws that forbid political activity on campus since the recent events in Gaza.

Sanitizing Fatah: Revealing What Has Been Covered Up

At a time when the Fatah organization is being presented to the Israeli public and to world opinion as a non-terrorist alternative to the Hamas, the Bar Am Public Relations Agency in Jerusalem has assembled the following list...

Israel’s Immigrant Policies For Africans Seem Suspicious

While the Sudanese would receive medical care, food and housing from the Kibbutzim, the question of their dignity, ethnicity and future is left up in the air.