Monthly Archives: September 2016

Palestinians: “Women are Witches”

The offensive references to women, who are depicted as witches and demons in Palestinian school textbooks, should not come as a surprise. Recently, it was revealed here that several Palestinian lists contesting the...

Palestinian court suspends local elections

High court decision comes after disputes between the rival Fatah and Hamas movements over candidate lists. The Palestinian high court in Ramallah has ordered the suspension of local elections in the West Bank and the...

Israel’s Rights in the Territories under International Law

Israel Is Not an “Occupier” International law defines “occupation” as one power occupying the lands of a foreign sovereign. In Israel’s case, Israel is not occupying any foreign sovereign’s land; Israel entered the area known...

What are they smoking?…asks Michael Kuttner

This has been another vintage week during which many individuals once again demonstrated an uncanny ability to detach from truthful reality. First off the block was New Zealand’s Foreign Minister who predictably performed according to...

World Vision Gaza rättegången inleds denna vecka

Domstolsförhandlingar startade denna vecka mot mannen i Gaza som anklagats förskingra World Visions välgörenhet pengar till Hamas. Rättegången startar nu mot Mohammad El-Halabi. Han har sedan länge misstänkts av David Bedein och CFNEP vara en...

Palestinska ministeriets turist karta har raderat bort Israel

I en tid då världens medier rapporterar att PLO propagerar  en politik för en palestinsk stat inom "1967 års gränser" utfärdade det officiella PALESTINSKA ministeriet sin turist karta i september 2011 som visar palestinska...

Rabbi She’ar-Yashuv Cohen z”l: The Rabbi who heard the real reason why Israeli Prime...

The death of the Chief Rabbi of Haifa, Rabbi She’ar-Yashuv Cohen, brings to mind the most stirring episodes of the history of the modern state of Israel. Rav She’ar-Yashuv Cohen, wounded in the battle for...

The West Must Insist that the Palestinians Change Their Narrative

The fight against Zionism defines the Palestinians. The Palestinian narrative denies the assumption that there is a Jewish people. If there is no Jewish people, then the Jews do not have the right...

Utbildning för krig

David Bedein brinner för att övervaka verksamheten i UNRWA, FN: s filial för arabiska flyktingar, där fem miljoner människor nu lever sina liv i ovärdiga flyktingläger. Han har ett uppdrag: Att Exponera den sanna...

Education for war

Quite a lot has changed since 1986, when David Bedein took a year off from his social work practice to campaign against the Palestinian propaganda machine’s influence in the media. Today, his mission has been taken...