Monthly Archives: July 2019

UNRWA strategi och mål

Med anledning av UNRWA-mandatets uppdateringen under hösten ber vi givarnationer som finansierar UNRWA att ställa villkor som överensstämmer med FNs värden: *Avbryt den nya UNRWA-läroplanen som innehåller principer om jihad, martyrdom och en "rätt till...

The Truth about Jerusalem’s City of David – The Lies about Silwan

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation No. 624     July 2019 The ancient Pilgrimage Road in the City of David is one of the most sensational archaeological discoveries to be...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Con

On Friday, July 12, 2019, return march events were held in the Gaza Strip with about 6,500 participants (slightly more than on July 5). The level of violence was higher than in previous weeks:...

UNRWA mandate comes up for renewal: an opportunity for UNRWA Policy Change

The professional staff of Israel Resource News Agency at the Center for Near East Policy Research ( has, since August 1, 2000 , translated and examined the new school books issued by the Palestinian Authority...

Civilizational Suicide: Qatar’s Vision Shapes American Classrooms

Qatar’s vision for America is now being peddled through our children’s classrooms, targeting a pliable population and one with a long shelf life. Beyond its media empires and bought-off D.C. influencers and think tanks, Qatar has set...

For everything there is a season

There are certain times in our lives when momentous events are destined to occur. The verse from Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) says it most eloquently: For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:  a...

Panorama: New revelations on UK Labour antisemitism (July 10, 2019)

Eight former Labour staffers, seven of whom are not Jewish, have spoken to the BBC of their experience in dealing with antisemitism complaints, which include Holocaust denial and praise for Hitler. For objecting to...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (July 3 – 9, 2019)

On Friday, July 5, 2019, the return march was held. About 7,000 Palestinians participated (similar to last week). The level of violence was relatively low, similar to that of previous weeks: Palestinians threw IEDs,...

Full Disclosure. Who funds UNRWA

DONOR CHARTS 2020 List of 2020 Pledges by all donors Overall donor ranking Top 20 donors, Overall ranking Pledges of Government and EU, Overall ranking Programme Budget, all donor ranking Top 20 Donors, EAs (oPt...

The Palestinian Authority, beholden to the PLO, remains in a state of war with...

The Palestinian Authority, beholden to the PLO, remains in a state of war with Jews… Never ratified the Oslo “Declaration of Principles” Against Violence and Terror. Never cancelled the PLO charter to destroy Israel ...