Monthly Archives: December 2020

Antisemitismus im UNRWA-Bildungssystem

Einleitung Das Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für die Flüchtlinge des Krieges von 1948 (UNRWA) bietet Bildungsdienste für Schulkinder an, die als Flüchtlinge in Syrien, im Libanon, in Jordanien, im Westjordanland (einschließlich Ostjerusalem) und im Gazastreifen...

Report of Israel-UAE team-up apparently false – David Bedein

The ‘la monde’ French newspaper revealed yesterday that Israel and the United Arab Emirates have apparently been working together to eliminate the united nations relief and works agency for Palestinian refugees, or (UNRWA). David...

Orthodox debate Zoom gatherings on Shabbat

Should Orthodox congregations permit Zoom services? There is debate over whether this is permissible under Jewish law (Halakhah). I am not a major Torah scholar and do not pretend to be one. The answer needs...

What constraints does the US Law hold over the PLO and the PA?

What constraints does the US Law hold over the PLO and the PA? The new US Congress will be sworn in on January 4, 2021. A new US Administration will be sworn in on January 20,...

Israel & UAE work together against UNRWA?

Writing from the perspective of a journalist who has provided intense coverage of UNRWA since 1987, there are at least two reasons to question the veracity of a widely circulated yet unsourced news report,...

Backgrounders: The UAE- UNRWA connection

Backgrounders: The UAE- UNRWA connection:

Antisemitismo en la educación de UNRWA

Introducción El Organismo de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones Unidas para los refugiados de la guerra de 1948 (OOPS) ofrece servicios educativos a escolares registrados como refugiados en Siria, Líbano, Jordania, Cisjordania (incluida...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)...

The Event That Sparked the Movement to Free Soviet Jewry

It is a date rarely marked, even as it inspired a movement hardly studied, led by heroes barely known. Fifty years ago, on Dec. 15, 1970, the first Leningrad Trial opened. In it, a...