Michael Kuttner


JERUSALEM, D.C….writes Michael Kuttne

Jerusalem, David’s Capital, has seen many spectacles in its three thousand years history. Not since the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon...

Will common sense finally Trump endemic bias?

We are currently in the throes of a frenetic frenzy in advance of the visit of Donald Trump to Israel…writes Michael Kuttner. Those unfortunate enough...

An honest enemy is better than a false friend

Since Biblical times the Jewish People has experienced endlessly the validity of this admonition…writes Michael Kuttner. Nothing much has changed over the millennia. In fact...

Obsessive Israel Fixation Disorder Syndrome…writes Michael Kuttner

This malady has been around for a long time but recently seems to have become more virulent and endemic. World-threatening events elsewhere seem to pale...

Israel: A miracle in progress…writes Michael Kuttner

Sixty-nine years ago, a mere three years after the devastation of the Holocaust, Jewish independence was reasserted.Returning home to the very land which had...

Terror knows no boundaries

The pervasive myth that maintains terror will vanish if only Israel appeases those dedicated to its destruction was proven yet again to be false...

This year in a rebuilt and expanded Jerusalem…writes Michael Kuttner

At the same time that we witness a multitude of Jewish and Christian visitors arriving many of us watch with bemused amazement as large...

Political correctness runs rampant…writes Michael Kuttner

An explanation of political correctness straight out of George Orwell’s novel 1984: “a method of controlling and dictating public speech and thought.” This very well...
Funds intended for the Palestinian people can’t be used for terrorism. (Photo: Kevin Frayer / AP)

Birds of a feather, united by terror…writes Michael Kuttner

They may fight each other and disagree on tactics but there is one thing guaranteed to unite them and that is hatred for Israel. Whether...

Never a dull moment…writes Michael Kuttner

One of the unique aspects of living in Israel is that there is never a dull moment. Life is definitely not boring here. This country...