​Center for Near East Policy Research

7845 POSTS

UN Humanitarian Agency’s Propaganda War

For decades, American taxpayers have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into United Nations “aid” agencies that went to promote Palestinian propaganda wars against...

Call her what she is….an anti-semite

The poet James Whitcomb Riley was the first to coin the “duck test.”  He wrote, “If it looks like a duck, swims like a...

Weekly Commentary: Elephant in the room – how highlight Gantz’s terrible military record when...

Bennie Gantz’s military career was torn to shreds in a feature article in the magazine section last Friday’s edition of the left wing Haaretz. Haaretz...

The man who went off script

What is the link between the classic newspaper play and film The Front Page and Bibi Netanyahu? Well, the play’s colourful news boss Walter Burns and...

Peace Education Now

March 7, 2019 Held at Orthodox Union (OU) Israel Center Rechov Keren HaYessod 22, Jerusalem

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (February 27 – March 5, 2019)

This past week the Palestinians continued to demonstrate a high level of violence at the "return march" and the days afterwards: Palestinians threw IEDs...

UN Humanitarian Agency’s Propaganda War on Israel Continues

For decades, American taxpayers have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into United Nations “aid” agencies that promoted Palestinian propaganda wars against Israel. The...

Dead man walking – terror survivor, David Ramati

David Ramati is a USMC Vietnam Veteran, served 25 years in the Israeli Army, retiring as a Captain and recently survived a Palestinian terrorist's...

Sheri Oz – Palestinian Authority Residents Fed Up With Their Ruling Tunisian Mafia

Early this afternoon (3 Feb 2019), a storm started brewing in Ramallah in the Palestinian Authority. But this is not the kind of winter...

Funding Terrorism: The method for transferring donations to Hezbollah through the Islamic Resistance Support...

Hezbollah recently launched a campaign to raise money for its military activities. The campaign was waged by the Islamic Resistance Support Association (IRSA), Hezbollah's...