​Center for Near East Policy Research

7857 POSTS

World Israel News – Palestinian UN agency requires ‘fundamental’ reform, says US

For years, David Bedein who heads the Center for Near East Policy Research, has been a Don Quixote-like figure, railing against the evils of...

Episode 182: Adapting a Book to the Screen — Interview with Howard Kaplan

Hey there word nerds! Today I am delighted to have author Howard Kaplan on the show! Howard is a native of Los Angeles, but he has...

Belgium Steps in After Trump Admin Suspends Aid, Pledges $23m to UN Palestinian Refugee...

Belgium has stepped in to help out the UN Agency assisting Palestinian refugees with an immediate disbursement of $23 million Wednesday a day after the Trump...

Will UN’s doomsday scenarios materialize if US cuts Palestinian aid?

While the United States has yet to cut off financial aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the UN agency that...

UNRWA’s Anti-Peace Curriculum Violates UN Charter

In the wake of U.S. threats to cut aid to the UN relief agency for Palestinians, a look at UNRWA textbooks—which deny Jewish rights...

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority by David Bedein and edited by Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg Printed by CreateSpace, 2017. 577 pp. $24.99. Reviewed by Beila Rabinowitz Militant Islam...


For years, America, Britain and the EU have insisted that Mahmoud Abbas is a moderate and a statesman-in-waiting who deserves to be rewarded with...

Attorney General Sessions Announces Hezbollah Financing and Narcoterrorism Team

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today announced the creation of the Hezbollah Financing and Narcoterrorism Team (HFNT), a group of experienced international narcotics trafficking, terrorism,...

Smartphones and Kids: Harmful Effects and What to Do About It

On January 6, two of Apple’s biggest investors published an open letter calling on Apple and other high tech firms to do much more...

Brit woman attacked by Palestinian terrorists demands probe as UK aid ‘used on prisoners’

International development committee chairman Stephen Twigg has confirmed that he intends to raise the proposal with MPs after he receiving a letter from a...