​Center for Near East Policy Research

7839 POSTS

Hezbollah’s Twitter Presence (Update 2)

On November 7, 2019, following the suspension of several Hezbollah Twitter accounts, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) issued a list of accounts...

Hamas urges donor countries to continue supporting UNRWA

Member of Hamas’ Arab and Islamic Relations Office Ali Baraka called Saturday for mobilising support for the UN agency helping Palestinian refugees until they...

Dead Sea Revival Project sets sail

A bright red boat with a blue top sets sail from the shores of the northern Dead Sea. It will journey into unknown parts...

Jewish legal right to settle in all of the land of Israel

This week, the US government issued a policy statement, recognizingJewish legal right to settle in all of the land of Israel. Most people, even in...

$100K match for one day only

Exciting news! Facebook is matching #GivingTuesday donations made to UNRWA USA on December 3, beginning at 8:00 am Eastern Time (5:00 am Pacific Time), on...

WATCH: UNRWA documentary exposes how UN agency contributes to cycle of violence

This week, the Center for Near East Policy Research presented its latest UNRWA documentary short film to members of the U.S. Congress. It exposed...

Israel’s Rights in the West Bank Under International Law

The issue of Israel’s rights in the West Bank under international law, as simple as it sounds, conceals a complex and extensive web of...

Summary of the Most Recent Round of Escalation in the Gaza Strip

Before dawn on November 12, 2019, the IDF carried out the targeted killing of Bahaa Abu alAtta, commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's (PIJ)...

New US Ambassador to the UN Leaves UN Speechless After Calling Out Anti-Israel Agenda

US President Donald Trump's new UN ambassador highlighted the systematic antisemitism and anti-Israel bias that emanates from the United Nations during her opening remarks...

The Latest Round of Escalation in the Gaza Strip: What Next? (Initial Assessment)

How is the most recent round of escalation different from the previous ones? The most recent round of escalation is the eighth significant round1 since...