UNRWA reaffirms its commitment to strict adherence to UN values in educating Palestine Refugees...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) takes seriously its responsibility to educate over half a million Palestine refugee girls and boys in strict adherence with...

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre

Children in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA  began their school year on Sept. 1, only instead of the promised education reforms, their schools continue to use the same books that have been heavily criticized...

Launching a “Hope for the Future” Campaign at the fall session of the UN...

To ask UNRWA donor nations to oversee   UNRWA schools, stop war advocacy , advocate  transparency and  advance resettlement of 6.7 million "refugees for perpetuity",  confined to  the indignity of 59 "temporary" refugee camps…...

What UNRWA’s Leader Didn’t Tell the UN Security Council

Last Thursday, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini gave a statement to the UN Security Council saying — as the agency has said every year for decades — that it is in existential danger. There is plenty...

Will UNRWA Continue to Confine Descendants of Arab refugees from 1948 to...

Zoom briefing: Monday August 29 11am PST 2pm  EST 7pm  London 8pm  Stockholm 9pm  Tel Aviv   Update with Journalist David Bedein:  Topic: Will UNRWA  Continue to Confine Descendants of Arab refugees from 1948  to the indignity of 59 refugee camps? What can citizens of...

Leaked Report Reveals UNRWA Corruption – Your News From Israel

According to a leaked internal UN report, #UNRWA is being accused of mismanagement and abusing authority in the midst of a financial crisis.

Ten talking points for UNRWA donor Nations

A German academic asked for advice from the Nachum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Center as to how he could influence  UNRWA policy. His concern was motivated by Germany's increasing its donation to...

Explain how a US adminstration that officially seeks peace by means of a two...

Explain how a US adminstration that officially seeks peace by means of a two state solution (one Jewish, one Arab) keeps dumping money into the primary organization (UNRWA) https://twitter.com/EinatWilf/status/1548368229369724930

Germany enters the digital age of genocide education

https://www.newstimes.com.ng/germany-contributes-eur-28-million-to-support-digital-transformation-of-unrwa-education-and-health-programmes-as-well-as-camp-improvement-interventions-in-gaza-and-jordan-occupied-palestini/   The UNRWA Palestinian Authortiy school curriculum represents  the first school system which endorses and promotes the murder of Jews.    Now digitized by Germany,  major funder of UNRWA/PA education.    References: https://israelbehindthenews.com/?s=dalal

Why ignore UNRWA in Gaza war reporting?

Coverage of the current Gaza war ignores a prime cause of violence: UNRWA, hosting  31% of  Gaza residents, confined to  "temporary" refugee camps, against their will, under the premise and promise of the only goal...