German government not know that Hamas took over the UNRWA education in Gaza ? The JPost reported in the above article on May 23, 2019 that the German representative told the UN Security Council that he wanted to know why the US was not concerned by the possibility...

Investigate the Massive Thievery of Medical Equipment and Medicine from UNRWA and the Palestinian...

The World Health Organization has lashed out against Israel because of the level of medical services that UNRWA and the Palestinian Ministry of Health maintains in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem. Our Center for Near...

Coalition of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and PFLP wins UNRWA Union Elections

The results of the UNRWA Union Elections in Gaza have been confirmed. The United Professional Slate, headed by Amir al-Misehal, won an absolute majority in the elections held on April 24, 2019, for the UNRWA...

BEDEIN and former UNRWA spokesman debate UNRWA policy on Israel TV – August...

מענה לדובר האו"ם בעקבות שידור תוכנית על הסרט הדקומנטרי - למען הנכבה On Weds Aug 11 at 5:00 PM Israel Time, 10:00 AM Eastern Time - Israel Channel One English News, will telecast FOR THE...

UNRWA – A hurdle in the way of any peace process; May 2019

UNRWA uses the school textbooks of the Palestinian Authority in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and Gaza. That policy in itself raises a serious ethical problem, since the PA books contain crude anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic expressions ...

Former US State Dept official, now a lobbyist for UNRWA, writes a tendentious ...

Elizabeth Campbell directs the UNRWA lobby in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining forces with UNRWA, Campbell acted as the "humanitarian policy adviser" in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs in the Department of State, where...

How Sen James Risch (R-Idaho) forced The US State Dep’t to become transparent about...

From: Center For Near East Policy Research Lt  Date: Wed, Apr 3, 2019 Subject: How Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho) forced State Dep’t to become transparent about UNRWA David Bedein Director, Israel Resource News Agency and The Center for...

Welcome in Congress, Barred at AIPAC: Briefing on how UNRWA Schools for descendants of...

This month, allies of UNRWA in Washington launched a campaign on Capitol Hill in favor of Congress reinstating hundreds of millions of US tax dollars to UNRWA – the UN agency in charge of...

Israel Support Committee of Central NJ to Discuss UNRWA

The Israel Support Committee of Central New Jersey will have four experts from The Center for Near East Policy Research explain how the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) became a terrorist incubator. UNRWA was...

UNRWA transparency

UNRWA has issued its annual report in which it shows that it received $1.2 billion from donor governments and NGO's/ Liad Yitzhak, a researcher from the Center for Near East Policy Research, We asked each...