New UNRWA donor chart is now out…

Saudi Arabia, Germany and Qatar move up. US still is still number 5 donor

UNRWA is not the solution

It seems quite a few officials at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv are concerned by reports that the United States plans to cut funding to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees and revoke its mandate to...

UNRWA Has No Basis For Creating Generations of Palestinian Arab Refugees (Daled Amos)

One of the most controversial issues surrounding how UNRWA does business is its fast-and-loose definition of refugees, which has kept expanding over the years. When UN General Assembly Resolution 393 was passed on December 2, 1950, endorsing...

Is UNRWA’s hereditary refugee status for Palestinians unique?

Summary: UNRWA’s claim that their hereditary refugee status for Palestinians is not unique is simply untrue. There is no parallel and no precedent, even in protracted conflict situations, for the manner in which UNRWA...

GAO: State Dept Lied to Cover for UNRWA

Watch the video before reading One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority/UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the...

Implications of an independent GAO study of PA/UNRWA education

One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority /UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the terror involvement in...

UNRWA: An Issue of Neutrality and Accountability

"Oh I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll and I don't see that as a crime." Said Peter Hansen, the former Commissioner-General of UNRWA in an interview with Canada...

When It Comes to UNRWA, Are the UN’s Holocaust Memorial Pledges Meaningless?

January 28, 2019, marked the beginning of Holocaust Remembrance week at the United Nations. Speakers at the UN Holocaust Memorial Ceremony — “Holocaust Remembrance: Demand and Defend Your Human Rights” — all agreed that...

Pretend refugees

A few months ago, researchers Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf wrote in an article about their book "The War for Return" that children in refugee camps run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency...

New report reveals UNRWA’s ties with front organization of Islamic Jihad

David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, calls on the Canadian government to halt funding designated for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...