The answer to the murder of Hallel Ariel murdered by an Arab in her...

News; “Palestinian Authority Hails Terrorist Who Butchered 13-Year-Old Israeli Girl…” Amichai Ariel, Hallel’s father, has locker at the Alon Shvut pool near my locker. We often talk. Amichai’s father, may he rest in peace, wrote an lively...

Challenging UNRWA’S claims

Published in the Jerusalem Post on JUNE 26, 2016 With regard to “US congressmen to investigate UNRWA schools for inciting terrorism, Rep. Lamborn tells ‘Post’” (June 21), there is a quote from UNRWA spokesman...

‘US Congressmen to investigate UNRWA schools for inciting terrorism’

New video shows youth purportedly attending UNRWA schools voicing support for terrorism against Jews. Members of the US House of Representatives are investigating incitement to terrorism in the UN Relief and Works Agency schools, Rep....

Lawmakers call for defunding UN schools after film shows Palestinian kids praising ISIS

U.S. lawmakers want to cut off funds to United Nations-run schools where a new documentary shows kids as young as 13 declaring they want to kill Jews and join ISIS. The documentary, “The UNRWA Road...

Charity for terror: DFID, UNRWA, HAMAS

This week, after the Telegraph published an investigation, which alleged that DFID, the UK charity czar, was allocating charitable funds to terrorist organizations.  Indeed, the time has come for the British media and the...

Israel Uncensored: The UNRWA Road to Terror

David Bedein Director of the Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy in Jerusalem discusses his latest video titled ‘The UNRWA Road to Terror: Palestinian Classroom Incitement.’ The film reveals...

Who pays for the ongoing decades-long UNRWA fiasco and why it matters: The latest...

UNRWA was created almost seventy years ago and has evolved into the UN's single largest arm, employing more than 30,000 staffers. Ninety-nine percent of that incomprehensible total (we explain why in a moment) is made up...

Hate education for Palestinian children…partly financed by Australia

The latest in a series of videos exposing hate education in United Nations Relief and Works Agency schools has been released. Produced by the Center for Near East Policy Research this short documentary shows how...

New short film: “The UNRWA road to terror : Palestinian classroom incitement”

We engaged a team of senior journalists who have produced a new short film on the incitement taking place in UNRWA facilities in Jerusalem and Bethlehem We flew over a top US . film director...

UNRWA keeps pushing Pallywood

This is the pinned photo that has been on the top of the Twitter feed of Raquel Marti, UNRWA's executive director in Spain, for months. She captioned it "Bath time in Gaza:" The original photo...