New UNRWA Schoolbooks Teach Hate: Israel, Jews Don’t Belong in Region
Six million Jews living in victorious Palestine will be expelled from the land with the Arab inhabitants present to witness the “extermination of its defeated and scattered remnants,” according to a Palestinian Authority textbook...
Lamborn presented with report indicting UNRWA textbooks
Officials from the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Middle East Forum presented a new report to Representative Doug Lamborn (R-CO) on Tuesday blasting UNRWA for allegedly including calls for incitement and violence against Israelis in...
Author of New Study of Palestinian Textbooks in UNRWA Schools: Attitude Toward Israel and...
Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish bias in textbooks used by Palestinian students in United Nations Relief and Works Agency-run schools in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has only increased in recent years, the author of...
UNRWA’s Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict
UNRWA's Educational Activity in the Middle East UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East – was established in the wake of the Arab-Israeli war...
Full study of school books now used by UNRWA & the Palestinian Authority
No recognition of the existence of the State of Israel: the map of the countries of the Arab homeland as it appears in a PA textbook published in 2017. Palestine appears on the map...
UNRWA Reader
UNRWA as Obstacle to Peace
Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace
Israel Not Invited to U.N. Conference on Refugees – June 13, 2004
The Mystery of the Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Monument – July 3, 2012
Ten Talking Points: How to...
How can UNRWA, with $1.2 billion allocated from 68 donor nations, be on the...
UNRWA receives $1.2 billion in allocations from 68 nations along with NGO's.
Here are the allocation stats to UNRWA:
UNRWA claims financial disaster?
How can this be?
Is this because UNRWA needs to adopt a system of transparency...
Groups express concern as UNRWA boosts funding to Palestinians
Jewish organizations are urging the Canadian government to hold UNRWA’s feet to the fire to ensure that a $25-million allocation to help Palestinian refugees will not end up in the hands of Hamas, a...
Don’t Dismantle UNRWA; Reform Its Policies
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The desire of Prime Minister Netanyahu to dismantle UNRWA, while understandable in light of the agency’s egregious history of collusion with Hamas, is not a practical proposition. Israel can, however, demand that...
UNRWA terror involvement – Now under new scrutiny in the US Congress and the Israeli...
Once again this summer, Hamas operates military preparation summer camps for 250,000 teenagers who attend UNRWA schools during the school year.
Working with an Israeli-Palestinian team of journalists over the past few years, I run...