Norway Embraces Islamist Tyranny Anti-Semitism in Norway, where I have lived for twelve years, is over the top. I have never quite gotten used to it. Every now and then I hear or read something that reminds me...

Terrorism Trial of Mideast Bank Worries the Financial World{%222%22%3A%22RI%3A16%22&_r=1 Mark Sokolow, his wife, Rena Sokolow, and their daughter Jamie Sokolow Fenster were hurt in a 2002 bombing in Jerusalem. Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times It was a basic bank account at Arab Bank’s...

The Gaza War: Appearance vs. Reality Why is Hamas putting its weapons in the middle of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in the first place? Palestinian violence has been persistent in violating all rules of engagement, despite the signed Oslo II...

Why Everything Reported from Gaza is Crazy Twisted You’re seeing civilians dying and suffering in Gaza. You’re seeing the destruction Israel’s military operation against Hamas has caused. You’re hearing from Israel that Hamas is firing rockets from crowded neighborhoods, using helpless Gaza civilians...

A Middle Way for the Gaza Fight Executive Summary: Many supporters of Israel’s policy in the current Gaza battle argue that the only stronger alternative available for Israel is to reoccupy Gaza - which IDF sources have said might take a...

Turkish-Hamas Relations: Between Strategic Calculations and Ideological A!nity

Introduction While the deterioration in Israel-Turkey relations over the past decade is rooted in many factors, perhaps what exemplifies this deterioration most is the closeness forged between the Justice and Development Partyled government and Hamas....

Dangerous delusions and denials Despite the current terror being waged against Israel our own home grown delusionists are busy hallucinating about how we can throw away hard won achievements and trip down the old failed policies of past...

Israel Targets Hamas Cyber Warfare

Israel has sought to halt Hamas' cyber warfare campaign. Military sources said Hamas and its allies have engaged in daily cyber attacks against critical facilities in Israel. They said targets have included Israel's government, military...

July 31, 2014: Potentially a Huge Turn-Around

Today I am feeling a far greater certainty that our government is going to see through this war to its necessary end. That our prime minister is working with resolve, looking first at the...

Kerry exposes Iranian family tie – and subjects family to blackmail

In a greeting to the Iranian people on the occasion of the traditional New Year (Nowruz) holiday last week, Secretary of State John Kerry exposed a secret that journalists and academics have been agonizing...