Dov Weissglass – “Consiglieri” of the State of Israel

He despises the Chief of the General Staff, doesn't appreciate the head of the Israeli Security Agency and his comments about the Head of Intelligence Directorate are not fit for print. While the heads of...

Gaza’s Not the Key, Philadelphi Is # The Second Hamas-Israel War, of November 10 to 21, inspired a mighty debate over rights and wrongs, with each side appealing to the large undecided bloc (19 percent of Americans according to CNN/ORC,...

Second Front Opens in the Sunni-Shia War The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) organization swept into the city of Mosul in western Iraq last week. No one has any right to be surprised. ‬ ISIL has held a large...

Sderot: the bomb shelter capital of the world A bus stop redesigned as a bomb shelter in a residential area of Sderot As a frequent visitor to Israel I like to think I know my way around. Heading north through Herzliya or...

When Terrorists Fall Out You Know Jihad is Doomed One of the reasons why the Middle East situation is less fearsome than it might seem is that the radicals and terrorists are not united at all but battle among themselves for tactical, doctrinal,...

Israel within range of most Iran missiles: IRGC chief

The chief of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Israel is within the range of most of the Islamic Republic’s missiles. “Any one bearing greater enmity towards Islamic Iran will naturally be more fearful...

Why Does Hamas Want War? Politicians start wars optimistic about their prospects of gaining from combat, Geoffrey Blainey notes in his masterly study, The Causes of War ; otherwise, they would avoid fighting. Why, then, did Hamas just provoke a...

NGOs – The New Israel Fund and the Propaganda War Against Israel

The primary threats to Israel's survival do not come from Iran's weapons of mass destruction, or from Palestinian terrorists. Rather, the deeper danger comes from the continuing propaganda campaign that rejects Israel's legitimacy and...

Israel strikes back at Iranian aggression, while Iran lies and pretends it won a...

Israel responded forcefully early Thursday to about 20 Iranian missiles launched from Syria just after midnight local time against the Jewish state – and handed Iran a painful lesson in strategic deterrence. Israeli warplanes and...

The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed Amid the intensifying crisis in Syria, which in recent weeks has seen massacres of the civilian population in various parts of the country, Iranian military, propaganda, and economic assistance keeps flowing in, and its...