British worry me, says Israeli PM Netanyahu: The Israeli prime minister tells Charles Moore...

Benjamin Netanyahu, in his office in Jerusalem, stands in front of a photograph of his greatest British hero, Winston Churchill Photo: DEBBIE HILL By Charles Moore 11:06AM GMT 26 Feb 2011 310 Comments "When I attended an...

Terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase arms... il/malam_multimedia/English/ eng_n/html/ipc_e165.htm Exporting terrorism and subversion from the Gaza Strip: in our assessment terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase arms smuggling and infiltrate operatives into Egypt. The Gaza-based jihadist...

Analysis: Turmoil in Egypt

As Egypt's much-anticipated moment of crisis arrived and popular rebellions shook governments across the Middle East, Iran stands as never before at the center of the region. Its Islamist rulers are within sight of...

Analysis: Understanding What is Now Transpiring in Egypt

January 31, 2011 "Convoluted and Painful Process" The issues are anything but simple, and resolution of the situation in Egypt will not happen overnight, or in a week or a month. I do not intend to...

Obama Egypt Strategy Could Place US at Risk

The Obama administration continues to turn up the heat on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, after two years of quietly monitoring human rights abuses by his regime and doing nothing. The rapid response of the White...

Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla

CONCLUSIONS 1. The Gaza Flotilla Was Supported by the Turkish Government There is strong evidence for Turkish governmental involvement in the Gaza flotilla incident, including the office of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. As this report demonstrates, Turkish government...

What Palestinians Are Saying Online

During the past decade, Washington has repeatedly failed to gauge the extent of Palestinian anti-peace sentiments with devastating consequences. The July 2000 Camp David summit triggered the worst wave of Palestinian violence since 1948...

Will revolt in Tunisia inspire others? What it will take for the Arab world... | AIRO -(MCT)Hours after riots forced Tunisian President Zine el Abidine ben Ali to flee his country, hundreds of Egyptians poured into the streets of Cairo with a warning to their own authoritarian president,...

“Fighting That Persistent Lie”

We might have expected WikiLeaks exposure to kill it: the Obama claim that cooperation with Arab states was dependent upon an Israeli-Palestinian negotiated peace. But here we have it again, in somewhat different, and more...