Some US Congressional leaders worry that Gaza pullout amounts to appeasement

Nobody in the Republican-controlled Congress wants to be seen as opposing the wishes of both Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Bush administration. But quietly, the unilateral Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip...

Imagine What it Would be Like to Live Under the Threat of Your Community...

Imagine that you live in Israel, which has suffered 25,500 known terror attacks just since 2000, including 6000 mortars that have fallen just on your small section of Gush Katif, and instead of attacking...

Is “Disengagement” the Answer?

That Jews need to be "disengaged" from the Arabs is not a new idea. In July 1937 the British issued the Palestine Royal Peel Commission that concluded: "An irrepressible conflict has arisen between two...

Impact of Israel’s “Disengagement” on U.S. Interests

1. Congressional oversight requires an examination (hearing) of the impact of Israel's "disengagement" (retreat) from terrorist strongholds in Gaza and Samaria on US interests in general and on the safety of US GIs in...

Poll showing most Americans oppose pullout misleading

There is nothing more flexible, and more useful, than public opinion polls. More than showing the public's views, they reveal the mindset of those who commissioned the poll, and those who market it. For example, Finance...

The Cost of Sharon’s “Disengagement”

Date of Report: June 2, 2005. Fact: President Bush has turned down Prime Minister Sharon’s request for special financial assistance. Fact: Israel’s best friends in Congress - who possess the Power of the Purse - have...

Knesset Briefing on Iranian’s Nuclear Weapons

Discussion Leader: MK Dr. Yuri Stern Panel: Alon Bar, Director of the Arms Control Department of the Foreign Ministry Dr. Ephraim Asculai, Senior Research Associate of the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies Dr. Jerome Corsi, formerly with the...

Weiner-Ferguson Amendment to Prohibit Aid to Saudi Arabia

June 27, 2005 "The Saudis have been playing a double game since 9/11, maintaining their alliance with the U.S. while aiding the jihad worldwide" - Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch (June 23, 2005) Dear Colleague: Despite efforts...

The Unreported Story

Introduction 16 days after the Iranian revolution of 1979 Yasser Arafat was the first foreign leader who visited Ayatollah Khomeini. This was a historic visit for many reasons. Ayatollah Khomeini gave the PLO its own...

How Rice Was Received, Welcome afforded to Hamas

The Palestinian Authority welcomed US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to the Middle East this weekend in five main ways: Reporting the Rice visit with accompanying pictures of her with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas; Showing and...