July 31, 2014: Potentially a Huge Turn-Around

Today I am feeling a far greater certainty that our government is going to see through this war to its necessary end. That our prime minister is working with resolve, looking first at the...

IDF apparently implemented Hannibal Protocol during abduction of Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin

IDF apparently implemented Hannibal Protocol during abduction of SecondLieutenant Hadar GoldinDr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 1 August 2014 Israel Radio military correspondent Carmella Menashe reported that the moment it was realized that Second Lieutenant Hadar...

Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein – A Text for the Jewish Council for...

http://ejewishphilanthropy.com/a-text-for-the-jewish-council-for-public-affairs-jcrcs-and-israel-advocacy-organizations/?utm_source=Wed+July+30&utm_campaign=Wed+Jul+30&utm_medium=email If you have not heard of, seen, or read the book, Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein, do so immediately. It is a remarkable piece of work and essential reading for all those involved...


Author, "ROADBLOCK TO PEACE- How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA policies reconsidered (Jerusalem, 2014) In the midst of this week's war commentary on the radio, TV and newspapers in Israel, the Israel Minister...

Hamas’s Attack Tunnels: Analysis and Initial Implications

http://jcpa.org/hamas-attack-tunnels/ Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas prime minister, delivered a revealing speech on March 23, 2014, in which he stressed the strategic importance of the Hamas attack tunnels, which, he argued, have changed the balance of...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=4326&sec=2&title=_Investigative_Report:_Green_Olive_Tours_Promotes_Palestinian_Maximalist_Claims_Not_In_Accord_with_Any_Two_State_Solution _ Children at Deheishe Refugee Camp Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the...

Israel Must Use Gaza Op to Destroy Hamas’s Rocket Capabilities

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2014/07/18/israel-must-use-gaza-op-to-destroy-hamass-rocket-capabilities/ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted desperately to avoid a ground operation in Gaza. He ordered it only 10 days into Operation Protective Edge, following the failure of two separate cease-fire proposals that Israel accepted...

There Must Not Be a Ceasefire

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4513/gaza-hamas-ceasefire With their usual mixture of human rights concern and hypocrisy, several countries have stepped into the fresh Israel-Gaza conflict by demanding a cease-fire. Egypt has played an important role in this demarche; Hamas has...

Parashas Masei 5774. Glad Not to Be Prime Minister Netanyahu; Miracles All Around

http://www.jewishmediaresources.com/1708/parashas-masei-5774 Glad not to be Prime Minister Netanyahu I am convinced that Israel had no choice but to undertake a major ground operation into the Gaza Strip, and that the time has never been so propitious...

An Inversion of Morality

http://www.jewishmediaresources.com/1705/an-inversion-of-morality From day one of its existence, the sole raison d'etre of the Hamas quasi-state in Gaza has been to kill Jews, the more the merrier. Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas has...