‘Israelis have a legal right to settle all Judea and Samaria’

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=4945 Retired Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, who heads a committee tasked with examining the legality of Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, declared on Tuesday that Israelis have a legal right to settle the...

Obama’s Halfway Effort in Syria

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/356935/obamas-halfway-effort-syria-elliott-abrams As it becomes increasingly obvious that President Obama has decided to attack Syria with cruise missiles and perhaps a bit more, those of us who have been urging a stronger stand on Syria for...

ANALYSIS by Rachel Avraham: Does UNRWA Teach Children to Support Violence?

http://www.jerusalemonline.com/news/middle-east/israel-and-the-middle-east/analysis-does-unrwa-teach-children-to-support-violence-4746 The Center for Near East Policy recently published a report titled “UNRWA: Encouraging Children to Engage in Acts of War.” The study, which was presented to the British Parliament, was commissioned by Dr. Arnon...

Hamas: We’ll Use Unity Accord To Move Terrorism To West Bank

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4324/hamas-unity-terrorism-west-bank The international community does not seem to be listening to what Hamas is saying. Hamas is telling everyone not to believe Abbas when he say that the Palestinian Unity Government will renounce violence and...

Conflicting Indykations – writes Michael Kuttner

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/conflicting-indykations-writes-michael-kuttner/42569#more-42569 Nothing is predictable in politics and international events, especially in this part of the world. However even a novice could have foretold that those who tried to destroy Israel in 1948 and have been...

Why Everything Reported from Gaza is Crazy Twisted

http://www.thetower.org/article/why-everything-reported-from-gaza-is-crazy-twisted/ You’re seeing civilians dying and suffering in Gaza. You’re seeing the destruction Israel’s military operation against Hamas has caused. You’re hearing from Israel that Hamas is firing rockets from crowded neighborhoods, using helpless Gaza civilians...

Lawrence Solomon: The UN’s phoney refugees

http://business.financialpost.com/2014/08/14/lawrence-solomon-the-uns-phoney-refugees/ In the up-is-down bizarro world of UNRWA, the number of refugees only grows and grows RIDDLE: You’re an American citizen, born and raised in the U.S., who has never set foot outside your country. You...

What If Israel Had Given Up the Golan Heights? A Lesson for Syria’s Crisis

As Syria continues to be ravaged with no signs that the end of its crisis will produce a unified and stable (let alone pro-Western) Arab state, I wonder from time to time what would...

Why the UAE accord was unprecedented

For more than seventy years, Arab regimes communicated a message of belligerency towards Israel, teaching the next generation to war on the Jewish state. That policy of violence even permeated Arab entities with peace accords...

The Silence of the European Coalition for Israel

Attn: Press query of ECI, the European Coalition for Israel   The respected Globes business newspaper confirms in its July 22, 2022 weekend edition that the EU has transferred new funds to PA and UNRWA education, with no conditions.   That has...