Israeli ambassador joins chorus of criticism of Amnesty report on Israel’s ‘trigger happy’ army Palestinians pray during the funeral of Sami Bsharat, a Palestinian militant who was killed in operation by the Israeli army in the West Bank. Recently Israel has been returning the bodies of dead Palestinian...

Israel’s new game plan with Hezbollah and Syria Under late Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, and for 29 years, Israel did not once directly strike Syria outside the Arab-Israeli war of 1973. This dynamic is quickly changing today, as the internal conflict spreads...

Origin of the Palestinian claim of a ‘right of return’ Reports emanating from the current Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations reveal that the Palestinian side continues to demand recognition of “a right of return,” under which about 5 million Palestinians now living outside Israel would migrate...

BDS and the Oscars: How Screenwriter Ben Hecht Defied an Anti-Israel Boycott Hollywood screenwriter Ben Hecht said he “beamed with pride” when he heard the news on that autumn afternoon in 1948: The British had declared a boycott against him. By day, Hecht was the highest-paid...

Demography vs. Demagoguery: Europe vs. Israel People who predict population trends need to learn from weather forecasters: when your forecasts are wrong more than right, go home before they lock you at home.‎ Many who yell “demography” when discussing Israel’s future,...

‘Western Countries Are Funding the Incubators of Terrorism’ MK Yoni Chetboun (Jewish Home) called a special meeting with over 40 diplomats from dozens of countries Monday to present the hard facts on how Western funds are being used in Palestinian Arab schools...

Iowa View: ‘Peace’ group’s claims cloak its purpose|head&nclick_check=1 The Feb. 19 column “Israel Accuses Iowan Over West Bank Protests” leaves the reader feeling outraged at Israel for its seemingly unjust behavior toward Palestinians. Unfortunately, Rekha Basu’s column does not accurately describe the...

The impotence of foreign forces On the morning of March 14, 2006, an agreement hatched by the United States and a number of European countries and which sprang from Israeli jails the killers of former minister Rehavam Ze'evi and...

The Politics of the Palestinian Right of Return US-backed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are entering a critical period. With reports suggesting Israeli acceptance of the 1967 lines and land swaps, what about Palestinian concessions? Two issues are paramount: the...

The Truth Behind the Palestinian Water Libels EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Water shortages in the Palestinian Authority are the result of Palestinian policies that deliberately waste water and destroy the regional water ecology. The Palestinians refuse to develop their own significant underground water...