The Revolution in Egypt: Recommendations for Israel On January 25, 2011, 7 million Egyptians, most of them young, middle class, educated city-dwellers, took to the streets and with the assistance of the army, toppled the regime of President Husni Mubarak. On...

The Iran-Hezbollah terror connection: What must be done As EU foreign ministers prepare to meet later this month in Brussels to determine whether a consensus exists to declare Hezbollah - or part of it - a terrorist organization, five disparate developments have...

Egypt after Morsi: The Defeat of Political Islam? Vol. 13, No. 19 12 July 2013 The Muslim Brotherhood’s 80-year dream to take over Egypt ended in a fiasco, barely one year after one of its own was democratically elected to the office of...

Israel Sees MB Fall As Freeing Hamas

Israel's intelligence community has assessed that the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt would push Hamas back into the arms of Iran. Officials said the intelligence community has warned that the ouster of...

Hamas manufacturing rockets that can reach Tel Aviv Hamas manufacturing rockets that can reach Tel Aviv Terror group testing medium to long range M75 rockets that can reach Tel Aviv metropolitan areaYoav Zitun YNET Published: 07.15.13, 12:47 / Israel News,7340,L-4405206,00.html Hamas is testing medium...

Letter: Incitement against Israel and encouragement to take violent means against Israel in the...

Jerusalem, July 10, 2013 To: Ms. Jessica Smith Deputy Head (London) Palestinian Team Middle East And North Africa Department "DFID": Department for International Development By e-mail: JESSICA-SMITH@DFID.GOV.UK Dear Madam, Re: Incitement against Israel and encouragement to take violent means against Israel in the...

UNRWA and the United Nations are Training Terrorists Just before Mr. Bedein showed us two films (in Arabic, with English voiceover and Hebrew subtitles) of how and what the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNWRA) teaches in the...

Welcome Back to Mubarak’s Egypt EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The latest chapter in the Egyptian Revolution is being celebrated by many as another victory for democracy and freedom. However, it is nothing more than a return to the military dictatorship of...

After Morsi: 6 thoughts on the ouster of an undemocratic, elected president As the Arab Spring moves via the Islamist Winter into the Unpredictable Summer, six thoughts on the ouster of Egypt’s president and its possible repercussions. 1. Elections do not equal democracy In case anyone needed reminding,...

Officially silent, Israel privately upbeat over Morsi’s ouster While Israeli leaders have refrained from commenting on the ousting of Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi by the army, political and military sources privately indicated Thursday that they considered the turn of events potentially beneficial...