The other front: How the Palestinian Authority is preparing for battle – right under...

The details of the overall situation in Judea & Samaria – Israel's current "third front" – ostensibly appear to be rather mundane and routine. Another late-night arrest, another targeting operation, more shooting attacks on...

Refugee camps in Gaza fired more than 130 rounds of missiles at Jewish communities...

In that context: UNRWA donor nations** may wish to consider… Cancel the new UNRWA war curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and the “right of return by force of arms”, which have no place in...

Why is the Shuafat Refugee Camp Seething?

At a time when the issue of Palestinian refugees surfaces on the agenda of the peace process, a visit to the one Palestinian refugee camp in Jerusalem can provide you with some understanding of...

Report: UN Teachers Celebrate Deaths of Israelis

The UN agency that runs schools and social services for Palestinians is facing calls to fire employees using social media to celebrate attacks on Israelis and promote anti-Jewish hatred. Over 100 UNRWA educators and staff have...

Eretz Yisrael Was never without Its Jews

My Israel’s Independence Day Talk at Moreshet Yisrael Synagogue, Yerushalayim:  May 3, 2017.  “Eretz Yisrael Was Never Without Jews” J.J. Adler We often hear Arab-Moslem propaganda claim that Palestine was their country till the United...

According to State Department US Embassy in Jerusalem Israel but Foreign Ministry and PM’s...

According to State Department US Embassy in Jerusalem Israel but Foreign Ministry and PM's Jerusalem Office not in Israel Dr. Aaron Lerner 25 May 2021 While absolutely every other entry on the website of the U.S. Department...

Did Defense Minister Benny Gantz raise any key demands in his meeting with PA...

Did Gantz demand that Abbas repeal the unprecedented PA law that provides salaries (a fee for the killer and a fee for family of the murderer) for life for anyone who murders a Jew? Did...

Erdan attacks UNRWA over incitement against Israel and ‘refugee’ misdefinition

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, sharply attacked the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the Palestinians during a discussion held by the United Nations between its new commissioner-general Philippe Lazzarini and UN...

San Remo Resolution – En Route to a Jewish Home in Palestine

This agreement between post-World War I allied powers (Britain, France, Italy, Japan) was adopted on April 25, 1920 during the San Remo Conference. The Mandate for Palestine was based on this resolution; it incorporated...

The Secrets that were Buried With Arafat: Few People Know That Arafat Never Got...

Two uniformed PA gaurds stand by Arafat's grave in Ramallah in the West Bank. The grave has a verse from the Koran. Photo by Rhonda Spivak. The newly rebuilt Muqata in Ramallah, which is located...