Hassan Rowhani: A Honey Trap for Iran and the World?

http://jcpa.org/hassan-rowhani-a-honey-trap-for-iran-and-the-world/ Sayyed Hassan Rowhani, who adopted the color purple during the election campaign, won an overwhelming victory in the first round of the Iranian presidential election with a majority of over 50 percent, leaving Saeed...

Hezbollah Involvement in the Syrian Civil War

Overview For Iran and Hezbollah, the preservation of Bashar Assad's regime is of supreme strategic importance. Syria is Iran's greatest "resistance camp" ally, providing it with a firm foothold in the heart of the Middle...

Israel Dismayed By U.S. Assessments

www.menewsline.com Israel has become increasingly dismayed over U.S. intelligence assessments on the Middle East. Israel's government and intelligence community have determined huge gaps between U.S. assessments and developments in the Middle East. They said Israel's government...

Hamas Follows Hizb In Tunnel Rockets

www.menewsline.com The Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip has been directed by Hizbullah on the use of tunnels for missile and rocket fire toward Israel. Palestinian sources said the Hamas military was directed by Hizbullah and...

Ayman al-Sharawneh, a terrorist released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal, was deported...

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/article/20525 Overview 1. Ayman al-Sharawneh is a Hamas operative from the Hebron region who was sentenced to 38 years in Israeli prison for several terrorist attacks, such as an IED bombing in Beersheba which injured 19...

The West’s New Syrian War

http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/06/the-wests-new-syrian-war/ One day people will ask how the United States and several European countries became involved in mass killings, genocide, corruption, arms smuggling, and the creation of another anti-Western and regionally destabilizing government. Even if...

How to Understand Islamism: Read What its Leaders Really Say

http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/06/how-to-understand-islamism-read-what-its-leaders-really-say/ To read Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s 1984 book, Islamic Education and Hasan al-Bana, is to get an Islamic education. Nobody should be allowed to talk about Islam or political Islamism without having read this or similar...

Israel Prepares For Assad Victory

http://www.menewsline.com/ Israel has begun preparing for the prospect of a victory by Syrian President Bashar Assad over Sunni rebels. The government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been briefed of the likelihood of an Assad victory...

How to Say ‘Disgusting Abuse of Public Trust’ in French?

http://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/this-ongoing-war/ how-to-say-disgusting-abuse-of-public-trust-in-french/2013/06/09/ When you next hear European politicians, and particularly the French, declaring their total and absolute opposition to terrorism, bear in mind this little story emanating from Paris. An exhibition entitled “Death” (on the web here...


http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/06/the-u-s-governments-disastrous-muslim-outreach-efforts-and-the-impact-on-u-s-middle-east-policy-blind-to-terror1/ Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number...