Eternal Palestinian refugees

As Palestinians seek recognition as a state from the UN this week, many wonder what impact such a move might have on the 4.6 million Palestinians who are refugees from the 1948 Israel War...

Brog: Is Twitter Above the Law? Social media have revolutionized communications by empowering millions of citizens to leap over traditional barriers and enter the public policy debate. But even in the brave new world of social media, there are still...

Journalist Stopped and Questioned at Ben Gurion Airport for Posessing Copy of “Disclosed: Inside...

What's Yours is Mined: Has your hard drive been frisked lately? Many people might think that Israel's legendary security comes from carefully screening those who come into their country. Fact is, it's getting out that's...

What About Building in the Arab Sector of Israel?

As the government declares "war" on unauthorized Jewish communities, Arabs, funded by the Palestinian Authority, are deciding Israel's future borders through unhindered illegal building. An investigative report by Erez Tadmor, of the Hebrew weekly Makor...

US Tax Money Funding Palestinian Propaganda, Critics Charge

Jerusalem ( - U.S. tax money is underwriting a Palestinian anti-Israel lobbying and propaganda campaign, according to an independent analyst and researcher in Israel. A Palestinian non-governmental organization called the Palestinian Academic Society for the...

Israel Plans Crackdown On Jews in West Bank (Judea and Samaria) – only Jews.

Middle East Newsline, Israel's military plans a crackdown on Jewish housing in the West Bank. The Israeli military's Civil Administration has ordered an increase in the demolition of unlicensed Jewish homes in the West Bank. The...

Israel Links Rocket

Israeli researchers have linked rocket attacks to violence. A study by Ben-Gurion University concluded that chronic exposure to rocket attacks launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel's Negev desert increased severe adolescent violence. The study,...

Did Major General Yaakov Or Fool Himself or Did the Israeli Government Fool Itself...

Major General Yaakov Or, the coordinator of government activities in the territories, has invested the last three-and-a-half years in slowly and carefully building up a broad network of contacts with the Palestinian Authority. Or...

From Ben Gurion Airport to Vienna: My Ride with the Volunteer Pilot and Saed... DISPATCH FROM STEFANIE HOTEL IN VIENNA Last week, I learned suddenly that Austrian airlines resumed its flight to Vienna from Israel and I began to pack up quickly. Given the climate of anti-Semitism that has...

A Test of Credibility

The "Rabbis for Human Rights" continue their cooperation with Palestinians on another level. As Rabbis, so director Rabbi Arik Ascherman, they work for a greater force than the State of Israel. The existence of...