Retiree – US and Israel army veteran – Victim of terror attack – Requests...

Writing this open letter at the request of my friend Mr. DavId Bedein who will verify the facts I am about to present. My name is David Ramati. Am a convert to Judaism, having converted under...

Eisenhower Regretted That He Pushed For Sinai Withdarwal

When President Bill Clinton won his second term, Rowland Evans and Robert Novak joined forces to put out a column urging him to follow the example of President Dwight Eisenhower to "stand up to...

IDF Officer Who Intercepted Rockets above Israel: “We are always ready Not many soldiers finish a day of work like Lieutenant Aviel Perry, a soldier who serves as the commander of an IDF Iron Dome battery. Early Thursday morning, he intrecepted five Gaza rockets headed...

“Radwan and Me: A Personal Perspective of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation”

Summary Three weeks ago, this writer requested an interview with Radwan Abu Ayyash, the Chairman of Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (P.B.C.), in Ramallah. P.B.C. is the parent of Voice of Palestine radio and Palestine television in...

Sara Blaustein: A Man Remembers His Murdered Wife

My wife, Sara Blaustein, was brutally murdered in a drive-by shooting by Arab terrorists last Tuesday on the road from our home in Efrat to Jerusalem. We had moved to Israel with our 13...

Is the BDS Movement a success or failure?

​​In an exclusive interview, Gedaliah Blum, who runs the Dapei Katom organization together with his wife Elisheva, speaks out about the daily struggles that small businesses in Judea and Samaria face due to the...

Escalation in Israel’s South – Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip

The hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians in Jerusalem escalated to a new height on May 10, 2021, the day Israel celebrated Jerusalem Day. Hamas' military-terrorist wing issued an ultimatum to Israel, calling for the removal...

Democrats from the US at war with Israel

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in his victorious campaign against incumbent Elliot Engle, Bowman, blasted Engel for his close relationship with Israel. In May 2021, he called for more restrictions on U.S. aid to Israel  Rep....

Islam and the “Killing of Innocents” "No religion condones the killing of innocents." — U.S. President Barack Obama, September 10, 2014. "Islam is a religion of peace." — U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, September 13, 2014. "There is a place for violence...

‘HORRIFIED’: Israeli school visits Arafat’s grave – will gov’t turn a blind eye?

The chair of the Knesset Education Committee wrote an open letter to Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton on Monday, demanding that she take action against employees of an Israeli school who recently visited the grave...