The UN vs. Israel, yet again

This year, the United States rejoined the United Nations Human Rights Council. It did so to try to advance fundamental values, strengthen multilateralism and address political corruption. But Exhibit A of this corruption is the...

Israel Advocacy Organizations Misled the Jews

For well over a year, Israel advocacy organizations led people to believe that the EU would work with Israel to revamp the PA/UNRWA school curriculum, which indoctrinates the next generation of Arabs for total...

Recipes for chaos

Definition: “mixture of people and events that will lead to disorder, confusion and trouble.” This more than adequately sums up the situations which confront us now and in the immediate future. Whether it is the dysfunctional...

A Letter to the World from Jerusalem, 1969

Eliezer Whartman has a few things he needs to get off his chest.  

War drums: Are Syria and Russia Preparing to attack Israel?

Over the past year and especially since the Bennett-Abbas government started criticizing Russia for invading Ukraine, Russia and Israel has seen their relationship unravel. Where at one time, Russia appeared to be ambivalent to...

A Terror victim needs your help

Shalom uvracha, It has been about a month since Yosef Chaim was very badly injured in the Elad terrorist attack. He has severe wounds and he is currently being treated. I am a mother of 11 children....

Israel & the Jordanian Question

Chair with Dead Dove, Ori Reisman During a visit to King Abdullah II in Amman early January 2022, Israel’s Minister of Defense Benny Gantz referred to “the strategic importance of strong and enduring relations between...

Western Countries, Israel, & other Democratic Entities are Under Attack  

Eichmann and the Man Who Got Away

Sixty years ago, Adolf Eichmann was taken from his cell and sent to the gallows in Israel's Ramle Prison. He had been tried, convicted and sentenced to death by the district court of Jerusalem....

‘My father was killed for supporting Israel’

On June 5th, 1968, New York Senator Robert Francis Kennedy was shot and killed by Sirhan Sirhan, an Arab terrorist angered by Kennedy’s support for an arms deal to Israel. The assassination, which took place...