NEW REPORT: Faculty Boycotters are Fueling Campus Antisemitism

A new study released today by AMCHA Initiative, Faculty Academic Boycotters: Ground Zero for Campus Antisemitism, examined the unique contribution of faculty who support an academic boycott of Israel to the explosion of antisemitic...

War drums: Are Syria and Russia Preparing to attack Israel?

Over the past year and especially since the Bennett-Abbas government started criticizing Russia for invading Ukraine, Russia and Israel has seen their relationship unravel. Where at one time, Russia appeared to be ambivalent to...

Bad mouthing then and now

We have just read the portion of the Torah which describes the episode of the twelve spies and the repercussions which ensued following their devastating reports about the Promised Land. I researched some synonyms for...

Observation: Efficacy of Lebanon Deal Question For Lawyers Not Defense

Content preview: Observation: Efficacy of Lebanon Deal Question For Lawyers Not Defense Experts Dr. Aaron Lerner 11 October 2022 The efficacy of the Lebanon deal, in particular the status of the swath of area off our...

Beware of Palestinian data: Israeli policymakers afflicted by demographobia – the illogical fear of...,7340,L-4008247,00.html The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) declared in December, 2010 that 2014 will, ostensibly, usher in a Jewish-Arab demographic parity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean followed by an Arab majority. That projection has...

UNRWA has no problem with Hamas wasting construction material unrwa-has-no-problem-with-hamas-wasting.html Yesterday I noted that Hamas was building a massive 10,000 sq. ft.stage to celebrate the release of hundreds of terrorists from Israeli jails, and I noted that it seems that Hamas can find all...

The Order for Beatings Came From Abbas’s Office A Palestinian commission of inquiry into the beating of Palestinian journalists and demonstrators in Ramallah has found that top officials in Mahmoud Abbas's office had ordered the assault. The discovery did not come as a...

Wistrich on ‘the Left, the Jews and Israel’‘the-left-the-jews-and-israel/ Robert Wistrich, Hebrew University professor of European and Jewish History and director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of anti-Semitism, has just published his 29th book titled From Ambivalence to Betrayal:...

Danny Lewin H’yd: The very first victim of 9/11

Danny Lewin first walked into Samson’s Gym in Jerusalem in 1985 accompanied by his best friend, Aviad, the son of Peace Now pioneer activist Janet Aviad. Despite Danny not yet being 15, came armed...