13 thoughts for war time: The Only quiet areas right now are Judea and...

Even the most extreme leftists are reconsidering: maybe it isn't about the occupation after all 1. I bought a flag for my car. Nothing special, small on a white plastic stand that sticks to the...

Are There Orders to Open Fire On Jewish Residents During Their Eviction?

The IDF Southern Command and the IDF Operations Branch are at this time formulating special orders for opening fire for the settlement evacuation process in the Gaza Strip and Samaria. The new orders relate...

How Can the UN Address the Subject of Palestinian Refugees and Not Allow Israel...

This week, with funding from the Swiss government, UNRWA, the UN agency that is charged with handling refugee camps from the 1948 war, launched an international conference on what should have been a clear,...

The twilight of America

http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=ae169cb0bf1d8ed85f60ee17a&id=9e9f653b0e&e=6a9f992820 I think this is what is called a slam dunk. Barack Obama has now proposed filling the three positions in the US administration most concerned with the security of the nation and the defence...

Passover road map

It may in the end have taken forty years to get here but the road map couldn’t have been clearer. In the first recorded use of a GPS, the Hebrew slaves left Egypt guided by...

Did Jews Abandon the Temple Mount?

http://www.meforum.org/3556/temple-mount Stones from the destroyed temple can be seen here. Contrary to what many believe, Jews did not abandon the Temple Mount after the temple's actual destruction in 70 C.E. There is even evidence that...

Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services

Israel Resource Review PSF file THE ABU MAZEN DEFENSE FORCES By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006 http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=2702&q=1 IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists 'We'll attack Israel,' says member of American armed, trained 'unified force' http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=2856&q=1 PM...

Egypt Goes Nuclear?

The regime of President Hosni Mubarak is now ready to acquire nuclear reactors. Indeed, the Egyptian Energy Ministry intends to discuss nuclear energy facilities and technology from a range of countries, including China and...

Official Palestinian Radio Broadcasts on the Voice of Palestine: December 23-24

Summary and Analysis VOP led its broadcasts Saturday and Sunday with detailed denials by PA President Yasser Arafat that the PA was contemplating acceptance of a "trade of rights" regarding the questions of Jerusalem and...