The Residents of Eastern Jerusalem at a Historic Crossroads

The PLO is in decline and the Palestinian Authority has retreated, leaving eastern Jerusalem Arabs caught in a vortex of conflicting identities and loyalties; between the influence of radical Islamic forces and the counter-gravitational...

Passover road map

It may in the end have taken forty years to get here but the road map couldn’t have been clearer. In the first recorded use of a GPS, the Hebrew slaves left Egypt guided by...

Why Biden’s new Ambassador to Israel is ‘DEEPLY DISTURBING’

The Senate has confirmed Jack Lew as the United States' new ambassador to Israel and it reveals a lot about what Biden's true intentions may be. Glenn runs through the basic qualifications an ambassador...

King Hussein: A Security Asset – But No Friend

King Hussein of Jordan will go down in history as a security asset to the US, Great Britain, and, in his final years, to the state of Israel. That does not mean that King Hussein...

Why Israel Conquered The Golan Heights

The course of history can be changed by the determination of one man who stands up for what he believes in when he is listened to by people who are in a position of...

Must see: The egyptian stamp dated may 15 1948 MUST_SEE:_THE_EGYPTIAN_STAMP__DATED_MAY_15_1948 I write these words hours before the beginning of Yom Hazikaron, the day we remember and pay tribute to all of those who have fallen in Israel's wars. It will be followed by celebrations...

Hold Peres Accountable: Questions to Ask the President of Israel

The President of Israel, Shimon Peres, pushing 90, celebrates his longevity with a birthday bash this week that include thousands of invited guests and hundreds of reporters. It behooves the journalists who cover the Peres...

ראש הממשלה: אם אבחר, לא תקום מדינה פלסטינית

מיוחד ל-nrg: ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו אמר היום (א') כי הוא מתנגד להקמת מדינה פלסטינית, והוסיף כי ישראל ניצבת בפני שורה של יוזמות בינלאומיות הקוראות "להחזיר את ישראל לקווי 67' ולחלק את ירושלים". בריאיון...

Iran vs. Israel: Who’s Making the Threats?

A speech by the Israeli defense minister sets the stage for a discussion of whether Jerusalem threatens Tehran or the other way around. Daniel Pipes debated Brian Becker of ANSWER Coalition. An excerpt from the...

This year in a rebuilt and expanded Jerusalem…writes Michael Kuttner

At the same time that we witness a multitude of Jewish and Christian visitors arriving many of us watch with bemused amazement as large numbers of mainly secular Israelis cram the airport in what...