IDF sees record number of Israeli Arab conscripts

More than 1,000 Israeli Arabs have volunteered to serve in the IDF as conscripts or reservists in the past year, and most after the coronavirus crisis began in March, the military's Manpower Directorate said...

IBM at Auschwitz, New Documents focus-ibm-at-auschwitz-new-documents Auschwitz survivor Leon Greenman displays his number tattoo. (photo: Ian Waldie/Getty Images) Newly-released documents expose more explicitly the details of IBM's pivotal role in the Holocaust - all six phases: identification, expulsion from society, confiscation, ghettoization,...

What Egypt’s President Sisi Really Thinks Former air marshal Husni Mubarak, now 86, had ruled Egypt for 30 years when his military colleagues forced him from office in 2011. Three years and many upheavals later, those same colleagues replaced his...

First thoughts after the first address of Naftali Bennet as Israel Prime Minister at...

Elephant in the room of the first address of Naftali Bennet as prime minister at the UN The UN hovers over the continuing Israel Arab war in a clear, existential manner. 5.3 million descendants of Arab...

Journalist query to BOD: Daughters of British Jew murdered by Arabs who were rewarded...

April 7, 2023 Rabbi Leo Dee, a devotee of Rabbi Jonathan  Sacks z"l,has  relocated to Israel, where he and his wife Lucy dedicate their lives to education. Today, Arabs murdered two daughters of Rabbi Leo Dee in...

The Case of a Missing Children Part Five: Sold?

On April 25th, 1996, Rabbi Avidor HaCohen, testified in front of the Cohen Committee in charge of investigating the disappearance of the Jewish children. Rabbi Avidor had an interesting story to tell the committee. His...

Invitation to UNRWA policy briefing by zoom: Tuesday, Jan. 18 7:30 pm Jerusalem time

Jerusalem. Tues January 18, 2022. 7:30 PM ISRAEL TIME *In Memory of Israel Minister Mordecai Ben Porat z"l ( Pioneered law to help descendants of Arab refugees to leave UNRWA and live in dignity). Program: * Movie...

Weekly Commentary: Biden Administration Opposes Meeting Needs of Sheikh Jarah Palestinians

Dr. Aaron Lerner 23 January 2022 Last week the Jerusalem Municipality took action on the ground for the construction of: #1. A special needs school serving Palestinian children in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. #2. Six kindergartens serving Palestinian children...

Minister of Culture condemns Israeli incitement against artist Mohammed Assaf

Minister of Culture Atef Abu Seif condemned today the Israeli incitement campaign against Palestinian singer and Arab Idol star Mohammed Assaf, describing it as an episode in its war against Palestinian arts and culture. Earlier...

Response to Caroline Glick’s analysis: “WHY OSLO STILL RULES” This  most incisive piece misses a crucial detail. The PLO and PA never ratified the OSLO accords As a subscriber the now defunct newspaper  Al Hamishmar, published by Mapam, it is hard to  forget their headline in October 1993, from special correspondent in Tunis, Pinhas Inbari. Inbari provided an...