Efraim Inbar: The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64939 THE BEGIN-SADAT CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY Mideast Security and Policy Studies No. 109 The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean Efraim Inbar http://besacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/English-booklet.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For centuries, the Mediterranean Sea was the main arena for international interactions,...

Could Israel lose the Dead Sea Scrolls?

One of the very unfortunate effects of the US failure to veto UN Security Resolution 2334 is that it will bolster cultural warfare against the Jewish people by advancing a Palestinian claim to the...

How B’Tselem is helping the ICC target Israel

The announcement by International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda that she was considering prosecuting IDF officers for war crimes was based on two assumptions: the first, that Israel perpetrates war crimes, and the second, that...

East Jerusalem Security Project

After years of Arab vandalism and attacks on the eastern side of Jerusalem, groups of courageous Jews have organized security patrols (similar to neighborhood watches in the US) in order increase presence in sensitive...

Murder Accountabilty

  Matan Tziniman, six years old, murdered by Arabs on July 26, 2022.    Palestinian Authority statute legislates: Murder a Jew, Receive a salary for life.   https://israelbehindthenews.com/2017/01/11/incentivizing-terrorism-palestinian-authority-allocations-terrorists-families/   When you see Matan's picture, will you demand that funds to the  PA be...

Education system commemorates Gush Katif: A dark chapter in Israeli history

This week, the education system set aside a day to commemorate the uprooting of Gush Katif, a significant event in Israel's history. In December 2003, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced the disengagement plan, a...

Wall Street Journal Editorial , Dec. 14 2023: BIDEN ENDANGERS ISRAEL

President Biden made headlines by declaring on Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has to change.” As is typical with the President, his subsequent remarks were hard to follow, but many heard them...

The Case of a Missing Children Part Four: Coverup?

In Part Three, you read about the empty graves belonging to children that were reported dead. Many of you asked why this shocking discovery that only hit the main press in August of 1997...

Arthur Hertzberg: No Red Carpet for the Pope When He Lands in Israel

Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, the Bronfman Professor of the History at NYU and the author of such seminal works as The Zionist Idea and The French Enlightenment and the Jews, who in the 1970's served...

Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...