French Citizen Detained for ‘Spying’ on Jewish Community A French citizen was detained this afternoon for questioning (Wednesday) by civilian security guards on allegations of spying on Yitzhar residents in their homes. The unnamed man, who is suspected of taking unwanted photographs...

U.S. Mulls Unfreezing Iranian Assets The United States, breaking away from official nuclear talks, could unfreeze Iranian assets in exchange for Teheran's pledge to limit uranium enrichment, a report said. The Middle East Media and Research Institute asserted that President...

IsraAid In this week’s newspaper, one story caught our eye for its humanitarian - not to mention ironic - nature. The Israeli aid organization IsraAid has provided almost $100,000 in nutritional and hygienic assistance to...

Weekly Commentary: Suggestions regarding Israeli Talking Points Weekly Commentary: Suggestions regarding Israeli Talking Points Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 24 October 2013 A few suggestions in light of remarks by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the various "informed sources" briefing reporters: #1. The issue is not...

Problematic Educational Role of UNRWA in the Middle East War

UNRWA's Educational Activity in the Middle East UNRWA - the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East - was established in the wake of the Arab-Israeli war of...

Why Israel Opposes International Forces in the Jordan Valley

Israel's national ethos is one of self-reliance. International peacekeepers have been proven unreliable in the Middle East in every instance. The Israeli army has been deployed along the steep slopes of the Jordan Valley...

A Change in the Balance of Power in Syria: The “Bad against the... Between President Obama’s August 31, 2013 declaration on a retaliatory action against Syria and the abandonment of the attack option in exchange for dismantlement of Syria’s chemical weapons program, a dramatic change has taken...

Aid for Palestinians: Breaking Down Walls or Building Them Higher? A photo of a UNRWA school in Gaza after it was shelled by Israeli forces. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international...

A Book Review: Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller “Jerusalem: The Biography Vintage Publishers

At first glance, Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller Jerusalem: The Biography is surely impressive. Media critics as well as Henry Kissinger have showered it with praise, and the BBC devoted a timely three-part TV...

Guest post: UNRWA – Not part of the solution but part of the problem This is another guest post by Brian Goldfarb, a frequent reader and contributor to this blog. “Not part of the solution, but part of the problem” - What is? Well, if we’re talking about the...