Some UNRWA Refugees Have Resettled The question whether the U.N. Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has successfully reintegrated Palestinian refugees into the normal life of the Middle East has long been a...

Telling Israel like it is – in Arabic

I first met Boshra Khalaila in the Spring of 2010, at the Ministry of Public Diplomacy’s offices in Jerusalem. She was 24 at the time. Like me, she’d been alarmed by the public relations...

Abbas is right – Education can incite Mahmoud Abbas's recent speech in the UN included a reference to the inciting Israeli books that encouraged the latest surge of violence committed by Jewish settlers aimed at hurting Palestinian citizens. This violence "is the...

The Powerlessness Excuse: Debunking the Claim that Obama Could Not Have Affected the “Arab...“arab-spring”-and-islamist-takeovers/ One argument we will be increasingly hearing is that President Barack Obama couldn’t have done anything to change events in the Middle East. This is ironic of course because when things were going well...

Obama’s Shortcomings in Syria

For months now, the United States has been providing direct so-called humanitarian assistance to the Syrian rebels-while cautioning Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Arab states to limit the types of weaponry they provide. Rifles...

Why Does Bibi Stand up to Iran at the UN and Give in to... Two days before Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu flew to the UN to fight the lethal challenge posed by Iran, Netanyahu’s Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, announced that he favored a massive Israeli unilateral withdrawal...

Rethinking Palestine 2012 In 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority (PA), failed to win U.N. acceptance of Palestine as an independent state1. This year, he lowered the bar to upgraded status within the U.N. In...

Israel Trains For Hizbullah War

The Israeli Army has been training for a war with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. Israeli Military sources said the army has intensified training for a war with Hizbullah over the next few months. They said exercises...

The Syrian Crisis and the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry

Dr. Benedetta Berti is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, a Young Atlanticist at the Atlantic Council, and the coauthor of Hamas and Hezbollah:...

Steve Emerson interview on shameful US response to Islamist Riots on Sun TV Host: "Now this latest wave of violence in the Middle East has brought intense focus on American foreign policy. In fact that very topic seems to have superseded the economy as the biggest issue...