US State Department Official William Burns

Assistant Secretary of State William Burns, under fire from conservatives for recent remarks in Jerusalem that disparaged the president and his supporters, has a history of cozying up to radical Muslims who oppose peaceful...

The International Solidarity Movement (The ISM) and its Terror Connection

"Friends," begins the web site of ISM, an international movement that works against Israel in the territories. "Friends, it's great that you will be coming to join us in nonviolent, direct-action resistance to the...

Saddam’s “Successor” Made Secret Visit to Israel

On Tuesday afternoon, in a dramatic interruption of the news, Al Jazeera broadcast a panicky item from Baghdad on the arrest of Ahmed Chalabi, president of the umbrella organization of Iraqi exiles. "Chalabi, the...

The Road Map: What do we know about it?

Introduction All the following citations are derived directly from the Third (and to the best of our knowledge the most recent) Draft of the Road Map, formulated by the four powers known as "the Quartet"...

Recipe for Terror: A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

Right Of Return Clause in Palestinian Constitution May Kill Talks

In a move that could scuttle renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts now that the war in Iraq is over, the Palestinians have included in their new constitution their right to return to homes they fled...

Fighing a US Policy of a Road Map “Not Open to Negotiation”

Sure, at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention they applauded Colin Powell when he said that settlement activity should be stopped. It is natural that among the 3,000 delegates there were a...

Abu Mazen Sources

(1) Mahmoud Abbas (abu Mazen) In 1983, in an early public example of denial from an indigenous Middle Eastern source, a Palestinian named Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen) wrote The Other Side: The...

Israel Media Overview: Analysis of How Israel Prepares for the War with Iraq

What Are We Waiting For Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 1) by Alex Fishman (news analysis) -- The precise timing will be whispered by President Bush into Arik Sharon's ear only. But it really doesn't matter. The...

Doodling for Saddam

Section I: Introduction The Palestinian Authority, taking a lesson from authoritarian regimes, uses its media to mobilize support for the ruling class and its war against Israel. Since 1994, PA Chairman Yasser Arafat has increasingly...