Cover Story

Where Will They Go? Palestinian refugees say international law guarantees them a right of return to their homelands. But the law has no teeth, and the refugees fear they have no champion. Near a checkpoint...

Official Palestine Authority Radio – Voice of Palestine, Dec. 8

Summary and Analysis During the morning news, VOP chose to feature the funerals yesterday of two martyrs. The shootings of three Israelis near Qiryat Arba was at first almost ignored (at 8 am), then mentioned...

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was quoted at length about the economic strains on Palstinian...

How the CIA Operates in Israel The American intelligence agency bears the main responsibility for the military development of the Palestinian Authority. CIA agents organized courses for snipers, trained special units, and provided sophisticated listening...

The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)

Summary and Analysis VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio Late November 27th and Early November 28th

Summary and Analysis Beginning in the afternoon and through the evening, PA officials hinted broadly at their repudiation of "partial" or "gradual" solutions that have been floated in the Israeli press. A more detailed repudiation...

The Secret Millions of Senior PA Officials

Even now, when the ground is burning and the future of the peace process is cloudy, senior PA officials find time to deal with the truly important things. The name of the game is...

Official PBC Radio News The Voice of Palestine November 23, 2000

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine generally downplayed the bus bombing yesterday in Hadera, preferring to use items about Palestinian martyrs for the lead for its news shows and summaries. Morning Commentary -- Youssef al-Kazzaz "First...

Official PA Radio News: The PBC Radio, November 10

Summary and analysis The Voice of Palestine has given relatively little coverage to the Clinton-Arafat meeting Thursday afternoon beyond a recitation of Palestinian positions. There were no descriptions of the tone of conversations or of...

Official PA Radio News

Summary and Analysis VOP continues to lead its news shows with details of martyrs' deaths, funeral times and graphic descriptions of those wounded. The second area of concentration is the diplomatic front: efforts By Yasser...

Come all to Jihad – “Hayya ‘Ala al-Jihad”: Listening to Palestinian Media

Listening to the Palestinian media these days gives the clear impression that what the Jews of Israel are facing now is no less than a call for Jihad, a holy Islamic war. The term...