Book review – Heidemarie Wawrzyn’s Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948

Gil ZoharRehov Yoel Moshe Salomon 7Nachalat Shiva, JerusalemIsrael 94633 Nazis in Palestine 1933-1948 recounts the demise of the Palästina-DeutscheHeidemarie WawrzynNazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin / Bostonthe Vidal Sassoon International Center...


When Irshad Manji, a courageous Canadian Muslim liberal and open critic of Islam was speaking with another reformist Muslim at an event this past December in Amsterdam, 22 male Islamic jihadists burst into the...

Rabbi Benarroch ‘S Sephardic Journey- Continuation Of Limmud

Rabbi Benarroch and the author, Aidan Fishman /article_detail.cfm?id=1350&sec=2& title=RABBI_BENARROCH_'S_ SEPHARDIC_JOURNEY-_ CONTINUATION_OF_LIMMUD On June 19th, respected Israeli rabbi and local son Yosef Benarroch gave a presentation in the Kanee Foyer at the Rady Centre as part of Winnipeg’s nascent but...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any... Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the Israeli -Palestinian conflict. Now after...

Russian and Chinese Support for Tehran: Iranian Reform and Stagnation

Spring 2010, pp. 63-72 Recent years have witnessed the rise of irregular but frequently intensive opposition to U.S. global preeminence by Russia and China. In their own ways, and in pursuit of their own...

Dov Weissglass – “Consiglieri” of the State of Israel

He despises the Chief of the General Staff, doesn't appreciate the head of the Israeli Security Agency and his comments about the Head of Intelligence Directorate are not fit for print. While the heads of...

Four Facts That Everyone Should Know About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A Haganah member and others during Israel's War of Independence. Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Most Westerners, including many Jews, are unaware of four fundamental facts about the Jewish homeland of Israel that would...

The Western Wall: Is it the Kotel or Al-Buraq Wall?

"The Shechina will never move from the Western Wall" according to an ancient tradition (Exodus Rabba 2.2). Originally, this saying did not refer to the present Western Wall which is part of retaining...

Report form Nuremberg III-The Nazi Party Rally Grounds- A Place for a Symphony? A sunny day, a beautiful lake, with ducks swimming in it,dotted with park benches, families playing, a couple in a boat, a bike path. A very peaceful setting. Serene. That’s the scene that confronted me...

The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed Amid the intensifying crisis in Syria, which in recent weeks has seen massacres of the civilian population in various parts of the country, Iranian military, propaganda, and economic assistance keeps flowing in, and its...