Image of Iranian intercontinental missile taken by Israeli satelite

How Iran continues to deceive the West

Last week’s IAF strike on a Hezbollah convoy near Kuneitra on the Israel-Syria border in which six members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed has led to increased Iranian threats to...

Leaked report indicates Islamic State contingency’s capability to mount attacks in Turkey, targeting Western...

EVENT A leaked intelligence report by the Turkish national police raised an "urgent" alarm about potential terrorist attacks in the country linked with the Islamic State. The report warned about the presence of "sleeper cells" throughout...

University of Haifa – Israel Waismel-Manor (Dept of Political Science) sees Israel as Morally...

In a manner fitting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Waismel-Manor slanders Israeli Orthodox Jews as power-hungry, hawkish fanatics who are unwilling to make peace and aim to change Israel's democratic nature. Waismel-Manor...

Iranian Nuclear Negotiator: ‘We Can’t Just Turn Back the Clock’

SPIEGEL ONLINE: How big is the risk that the negotiations between Iran and the West will fail? ANZEIGE Takht Ravanchi: We definitely are at a critical stage. There is not very much time left before Nov....

Why Iran Cannot Relinquish Nuclear Technology?

Tehran and Moscow have signed a deal that will see construction of eight new pressurized water reactors in Iran for energy production. Since Russia will provide the fuel for the new reactors, there is...

The Hidden Hand of ISIS and Its Impact on Palestinian Escalation

In recent months the State of Israel has been facing what military jargon terms “popular terrorist activity,” characterized by violent disturbances in the al-Aqsa Mosque compound; Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem; the West Bank and...

Welcome to the global intifada

In Canada, there were two terror attacks within two days. The first was a run-over attack, and the second was an attack on the parliament in the capital city of Ottawa. In New York, police...

Anti-Semitism on the Temple Mount

By Zalman Shuval Since 1967, all Israeli governments have employed balanced, carefully thought out policies on the Temple Mount in order to avoid any major conflicts with the Muslim world, and this is still the...

Why we keep getting the Middle East wrong

WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF NON-STATE, NON-NATIONAL LOYALTIES People tend to think of the Middle East as being composed of ‘states’ just like Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. This is a big...

Yossi Beilin: PA must give deadline to Hamas to disarm, trade only bodies for...

In a live interview broadcast on the 7 AM morning news hour program on Israel Radio Reshet Bet today, Yossi Beilin said that it is critical that there be a single armed force of...