Ein Karem

My name is Shulie Mishkin and I am a tour guide in Israel. This column will be an opportunity to explore places and people in the land. Welcome! This week let’s visit the beautiful village...

What’s Israel’s national bird? The crane! (Get it – a building crane, not a...

Ok so it isn’t the funniest joke. But as Homer Simpson used to say, it’s so funny because it’s so true. Practically anywhere you go in Israel these days there is tons of construction....

Read the full amnesty report in order to critique it

Read the full amnesty report in order to critique it דוח אמנסטי אפרטהייד

The Mayor of Efrat must speak out against a well orchestrated campaign of misinformation.

The Israel Civil Administration and a slew of NGO's issue daily press releases which claim that Jews - wearing masks - who cannot be identified- have been attacking innocuous Arab civilians This occurs as lethal...

Why Israel’s Arabs Are Its Biggest Threat

Israeli decision-makers are consumed with the lethal threat posed by Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah, but a no less insidious threat has gone virtually unnoticed: the Israeli Arabs' growing rejection of Israel's Jewish...

The Palestinian Refugees’ “Right to Return” and the Peace Process

Justus Weiner, who died this year, wrote this piece 25 years ago which is still relevant today, The Palestinian Refugees_ _Right to Return_ and the Peace Process

From Israel: “Fighting the Libel of ‘Settler Violence’!!”

Baruch Dayan HaEmet. I begin by noting with sadness the passing of Esther Pollard, here in Jerusalem. She stood by her husband Jonathan through many incredibly tough years. A year ago they were finally...

Esther Pollard’s Funeral Jan 31, 2022

The video includes the following speakers in English: Attorney Larry Dub Rabbi Pesach Lerner Jonathan Pollard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FdCrB7bdng

Hill 24 Does Not Answer

This movie portrays Israel's war of Independence like no other movie Produced in 1953 by Jack Padwa, then a Tel Aviv businessman. Won the Cannes Film Festival award in 1955, Full disclosure. Jack Padwa , who...

Open Letter to Yaakov Katz, editor of the Jerusalem Post

In your column on January 28, 2022 you identify masked rioters in and around Arab villages as Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria. https://www.jpost.com/podcast/yaakov-and-lahav/article-694766 Has the correspondent for the Jerusalem Post who covers Judea and Samaria...