The Hidden Clauses of Oslo

One senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official has documented the Israel-PLO negotiations and through a second-party permitted them to be leaked to the Israeli media. The story told is a shocking indictment of Deputy Foreign Minister...

Will U.N. Employee’s Online Words About Israel Result in Her Termination? The recent uproar over a note on the Twitter post of a Palestinian woman was not exceptional, or-unfortunately-unusual. But the news photo sent out by Khulood Badawi had two additional elements: First, it was...

J Street’s Spin Reversed by CAMERA Op-Ed The Washington Jewish Week featured J Street, the self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby in page one articles twice in April, published J Street opinion columns once that month and again in the May 16 edition,...

Abbas to UN: Palestinians reject anything less than all of eastern Jerusalem – entire... Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: All day the Israeli left praised Abbas - certain that he was interested in a deal. But he answered at the UN: "We will accept no less than the all...

Critique of Abu Mazen from a Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Organization

"Among the fancy new villas, fanciest is that of Abu Mazen, key negotiator of the ill-fated Oslo accord. It is not clear who paid for this $2 million-plus affair, all balconies and balustrades in...

The Renewed Gaza War on Israel

Last Wednesday, Grad Katyusha rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza. On Saturday afternoon, the Israel Air Force hit a terrorist squad in Gaza that was preparing to launch additional long-range rockets. Reportedly,...

RAMALLAH AND BERLIN: REFLECTIONS ON GERMANY’S VOTE AT THE UN RE: THE PA STATEHOOD... There are a lot of reasons I can think of why Germany ought to have voted "no" in response to the Palestinian unilateral bid for statehood at the UN, one which Mahmoud Abbas declared...

Dr. Sa’di Al-Krunz Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)

Dr. Sa'di Al-Krunz of Al Azar University is a Fatah representative from the Deir Al-Balah District in the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). IMRA interviewed Dr. Al-Krunz in English on May 19....

Israelis Rally Against US Plan For Strategic Jordan Valley GIDRON OUTPOST, SARTABA RIDGE, JORDAN VALLEY - As US Secretary of State John Kerry finalizes proposals for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, rifts remain as vast as this strategic valley west of the Jordan River...

PA Holds Diplomatic Event In Jerusalem: Norwegians Deny Meeting With Senior Officials Last Monday, Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Store held official diplomatic talks with Palestinian Authority minister for Jerusalem Ahmed A-Rawidi and Rafik Husseini, chief of staff to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, on the Mount...