Opinion: Roadmap to a true alliance between Japan, Israel on 70th anniv. of ties...

Next year, Japan and Israel will reach a major milestone: 70 years since relations were established between these two unique democracies. In that time, both countries have made immense strides from uncertain times following...

Latest Palestinian Attacks Are Motivated by Incitement Combined with Hamas’ Interest to Increase Terror

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 21, No. 25 The recent uptick in terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria is the result of ongoing incitement among the Palestinian...

Another Jewish father killed, another Arab murderer paid to slay

Yehuda Dimentman, a 25 year old Jew, married and the father of an infant, was murdered in a drive by shooting on Thursday evening, December 16th, 2021. In accordance with a Palestinian ordinance, anyone who...

U.S. Vote on Palestinian Refugees Raises Discomfort in Israel

The United States' vote to abstain earlier this month on a draft United Nations resolution involving Palestinian refugees and their descendants set off discomfort in Israel over Washington's policy regarding one of the most sensitive topics...

Weekly Commentary: USA Visa Waiver Program for Palestinians as Compensation for No Jerusalem Consulate

October 21, 2021 So President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken apparently promised the Palestinians they would open a consulate in Jerusalem without getting the approval needed from the sovereign State of Israel. It has been reported that...

Why the US really wants a Palestinian consulate in J’lem

The Biden administration is trying to partially undo one of Israel's greatest diplomatic achievements of recent decades – the recognition of Israel's sovereignty over all of Jerusalem by the US, followed by numerous other...

Palestine Liberation Organization Portrays Sirhan As Commando Hero

The Los Angeles Times reported from Beirut yesterday that the Palestine Liberation Organization was distributing several hundred thousand posters in Arab countries depicting Sirhan Sirhan, on trial for the murder of Sen. Robert F....

Hamas’ secret foreign investment portfolio reportedly worth $500m

Hamas has a secret overseas investment portfolio worth more than $500 million, documents seen by a German newspaper have suggested. The investments include interests in about 40 international companies controlled by Hamas in the Middle East and...

Boycotters’ fiesta

Fiestas originated in pagan traditions and became celebrated events under Spanish rule. Michael Kuttner It is rather fitting that fiestas have a Spanish flavour because the latest spate of these boycotting phenomena have the same common...

Bn & Jerry’s international out…

Bn & Jerry's international out…