Israel Announces Gaza Ground War

The Israeli military has announced ground operations in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. The military said it sent a range of ground forces into the Gaza Strip on late July 17. The operation was ordered by...

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...

Who Are the Palestinians?

Vol. 17, No. 21 Palestinian leaders claim that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the Land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it. What is the source...

A Tribute to Archbishop Sambi, Reassigned from Jerusalem to Washington

This week, a special farewell ceremony was held in Jerusalem for Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Pope's ambassador in Israel, formally known as the Papal Nuncio. Archbishop Pietro Sambi has been reassigned as the Papal Nuncio...

Phantom Nation: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace, Volume I, II and...

Available at: Reviewed by Samantha Allie, Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research, and David Bedein, Center director. This three volume work, written by Middle East scholar Shai Ben Tekoa, provides a unique opportunity for...

Islamic Fascism: the Nazi Connection Many people buy into the premise that the World Trade Center attack on September 11 was a result of some misguided foreign policy of the United States. Others believe that Islamist terror attacks began...

Choose your enemy: Assad or Israel? There is no need to support either. When Israel attacks the Syrian regime, it does so because it aims to defend its security and interests. And the same goes for us when we were happy...

What Will Occur After Three Months of the Hudna?

October 3, 2003 goes into the history books as "black Friday." At 2:00 p.m., a group of soldiers that had just finished its shift at the General staff headquarters stood on the road passing...

Inside the Palestinian Authority Media: The Baghdad-Ramallah Connection

For months, the Palestinian Authority has tried to play down its support for Iraq. PA approval for the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his efforts to conceal weapons of mass destruction from...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 26. The...

Summary and Analysis Powell Welcomed with Threats Against the backdrop of the visit of Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Palestinian Authority renewed its demand that the United States take a greater role in Palestinian-Israeli talks...