Mahmoud Abbas plays Benny Gantz for a fool

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz must have known that hosting Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas at his home in Rosh Ha’ayin would arouse the ire of the right. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have cloaked the...

Obama Distances Himself From Malley

The Obama transition team is working to distance itself from a controversial negotiator who has been negotiating with Israel's enemies. Robert Malley, Middle East director of the International Crisis Group, a think tank that has...

Who Ordered the CIA to Train the Palestine Liberation Army?

On March 5, 1998, the New York Times confirmed that the CIA actively trains the Palestine Liberation Army, which remains in a state of war with the state of Israel. Did any American legislative body...

The organizations participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel plan a series of propaganda... Overview 1. The organizations in the Middle East and around the globe participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel chose March 30, the day Israeli Arabs have marked Land Day since 1976, to hold a...

Open letter to John Kerry Dear Secretary of State Kerry, After listening to you declare repeatedly over the past weeks that "Israel's settlements are illegitimate," I respectfully wish to state, unequivocally, that you are mistaken and ill-advised, both in law...

Should US AID Place Conditions on donations to UNRWA? On August 16, the US and the Palestinian Authority signed a new $148 million economic aid agreement. Our agency asked PA officials where the money was going. The answer: education, for the new school year of...

One Year After His Inauguration : Does President Obama Seek a Weak Israel?

The author was formerly senior advisor in the Privy Council Office serving Canada's Prime Minister and the federal cabinet. Earlier he worked in Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and taught history and law at...

Text: Barnea article of Kerry team slamming Netanyahu Below is the headline making interview in which the Americans from Kerry's team complain to Nachum Barnea about Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. It is an early Israel Independence Day gift to Netanyahu. Here is what they...

Official PA radio news: The Voice of Palestine: January 22

Summary and Analysis VOP featured comments from several high-level PA officials participating in talks with Israel who took a generally pessimistic view of the negotiations, while advancing a firm Palestinian bargaining stance. Jibril Rajoub said the...

PLO Revs Up Themes of “Resistance” and “Anti-Judaization” in Land Day Demos

The Palestinian National Authority (PA) used the "Land Day" Commemoration last week, on March 30th, 2005 to increase the anti-Semitic aroma of its "anti-Judaization" campaign against Israelis and Jews. Official Palestinian media and top officials...