Finnish delusions Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja has done it again. No sooner did this 1960s radical ease himself back into the foreign minister's seat after four years in the opposition than he unveiled again his...

What Would a Hamas-Fatah Agreement Mean? There are repeated efforts to forge a unity agreement of some sort between Hamas and Fatah, leading to a new “unity government” for the Palestinian Authority. Such a coalition was briefly in force in...

EU reaction to Palestinian unity agreement contradicts own policy Last Monday the Palestinian Authority and Hamas signed a new reconciliation agreement in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The Israeli government immediately condemned the move. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told PA president Mahmoud Abbas...

Carr, Danby at odds over Palestinian aid FOREIGN Minister Bob Carr’s announcement that Australia will boost aid to a controversial United Nations organisation for Palestinian refugees has raised the ire of Labor Party colleague and chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee...

The Legal Basis of Israeli Naval Blockade of Gaza The Legal Basis of Israel’s Naval Blockade of GazaProf. Ruth Lapidoth, July 18, 2010 Jerusalem Issue Briefs Vol. 10, No. 4 -The relations between Israel and Hamas are in the nature of armed conflict. Nowadays no...

A media strategy to help Israel in the Gaza war

Our agency will now use its two rooms and two computers at Beit Agron to organize a new media response network to encourage people to respond in real time to the denigration of Israel,...

Jews in the Judean Desert? # More than 40,000 people have been slaughtered during the rebellion in Syria, and the death toll rises daily. The European Union does not appear to be particularly concerned. North Korea’s rulers have launched...

Converging Toward Hamas There are many points of disagreement between Fatah and Hamas; so many that they fought an ugly civil war in 2007, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza and Fatah in control of the West...

Israel at Peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...